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Add a new user to your CertCentral account

Use these instructions to manually add a new user to your account. We recommend adding at least one more Administrator to the account.

When you are finished, the newly added user will be sent a "DigiCert User Account Created - Action Required" email with instructions to create their password and log in to their account.

  1. In your CertCentral account, go to the Add User page.

    1. In the sidebar menu, click Account > Users.

    2. On the Users page, click Add User.

  2. On the Add User page, in the User Details section, add the following information about the user:

    1. First Name and Last Name.

    2. An Email address where the user can be reached.

      We will send instructions for setting up their account password and logging in.

    3. A Phone number where the user can be reached.

    4. The user's Job Title.


      The Phone number and Job Title are required if the user will also be an EV verified contact (someone who can verify/validate EV SSL/TLS, Code Signing, and EV Code Signing certificate orders).

  3. In the User Access section, verify the user's Username and select a role for the user.

    1. Username

      We populate this box with the email address you supplied in the User Details section. Although you can create a unique username for each user, we recommend using their email address.

    2. Role

      Depending on how your account was set up, you may have up to five roles to choose from: Administrator, Finance Manager, Manager, Standard User, Limited User. For more information about these roles and their permissions, see User role in your CertCentral account.

  4. When you are finished, click Add User.

    We will send the newly added user a "DigiCert User Account Created - Action Required" email that contains instructions for creating a password and signing in to their new account.