The suspend GPG keypair command switches the keypair to offline mode.
Offline keypairs cannot be used to sign unless brought online.
Suspend GPG keypair commands begin with:
smctl gpg keypair suspend <gpg keypair alias or ID>
smctl gpg kp offline <gpg keypair alias or ID>
Example 1:
Description: Switch the keypair referred to using the GPG keypair alias to offline mode.
smctl gpg keypair suspend <gpg keypair alias>
Command sample:
smctl gpg keypair suspend my-gpg-key
Example 2:
Description: Switch the keypair referred to using the GPG keypair ID to offline mode.
smctl gpg keypair suspend <gpg keypair ID>
Command sample:
smctl gpg keypair suspend aae21e7d-31e9-4cc0-89fa-63b323a64a56