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Key storage management

The key storage works as safe-box for keys and certificates. You require the PIN to access sensitive data in hardware tokens.

Slot information

Each keystore under Tokens has corresponding slot information.

  1. Select Show slot info in Quick actions.

  2. It opens a modal dialog box with all the information in JSON format. You can Copy this information to your clipboard.

PIN management

The application provides PIN management for hardware tokens through the following actions:

  • Verify PIN

  • Change PIN

  • Reset PIN

Select a hardware token under Tokens. Click one of the actions from Quick actions to trigger an action.


Every incorrect PIN verification attempt consumes a PIN retry attempt counter. Try to avoid repetitive wrong attempts.

  • Verify PIN: Enter the PIN into the input field, click Verify PIN.

    This feature helps the end-user to confirm their token’s PIN if they are unsure about it.

  • Change PIN: Enter Current PIN, New PIN, and Confirm PIN into each input field, click Change PIN.

    This feature enables the end-user to change their compromised or existing PIN. It is recommended to use the Verify PIN feature and confirm your existing PIN before attempting Change PIN.

  • Reset PIN: Enter an existing PIN for Administrator and a New PIN for User, click Reset.

    This feature resets the token (re-initializes the token and deletes all the data) and helps in creating a new PIN for the user.


When you reset a PIN, all your keys and certificates are deleted. The Reset PIN functionality is not supported for Yubico tokens.