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Import a GPG secring

  1. Sign in to DigiCert ONE.

  2. Select the Manager menu (top right) > Software Trust.

  3. Navigate to: Keypairs > GPG keypairs.

  4. Above the table of keys, select the options button (three dots). In the dropdown menu, select Import secring.

  5. Drag the keyring file to the import box, or select the box to choose the file from your local environment.

  6. Enter the password protecting the secring. Select Next.

  7. Enter an alias for each master key and subkey. Select Import.


  • Supported formats include .gpg and .asc.

  • Supported algorithms include ECDSA NIST P-384, ECDSA NIST P-256, EdDSA25519, RSA-3072, RSA-4096, and RSA-2048.

  • Maximum file size for a secring is 100KB.

  • Secrings are imported as Open access, Production category, and Offline status. Once a secring is imported, you can change these settings.

  • Secrings may not be imported if the master keypair is revoked or expired; if the file contains multiple secrings; if the master private key is empty; the user ID for the master key does not include the person's name and email address; or if the key size, algorithm, or curve is not supported.

  • Subkeys will be imported with reduced permission if they have any permissions not supported by DigiCert​​®​​ Software Trust Manager. The import system will ignore subkeys that are not valid.