Download scan by providing a scan ID.
To download a scan, use the command:
smctl scan download <scan ID>
Alternatively, use the abbreviated version of the command:
smctl sc dl <scan ID>
Describe scan commands support these flags:
Shortcut | Flag | Description |
| --file string | File path to download report. |
--report-type string | Type of the report. Supported values are:
| |
-h | --help | Help for describing a scan. |
Description: Download a report in a specific file path in a specific file format.
smctl scan download --file <file path to store report> --report-type <html, sbom or sarif>
Command sample:
smctl scan download --file C:\Users\John.Doe\Documents\Reports --report-type sarif
For help with the delete scan command, use:
smctl scan download --help
Alternatively, use the abbreviated version of the command:
smctl sc download -h