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  1. Install the following utilities on a computer that is able to connect to the IBM Kubernetes cluster and MariaDB.

    #Install system updates
    sudo yum update -y
    #Install kubectl
    curl -o kubectl
    chmod +x ./kubectl
    sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin
    kubectl version --short --client
    #Install helm
    curl >
    chmod 700
  2. Retrieve the Kubeconfig file from the Kubernetes cluster.

  3. Verify connectivity to Kubernetes cluster from this computer.

    #Verify connection to kubernetes cluster
    kubectl get svc
    #Install mysql client
    sudo yum install mysql -y
    #Verify connection to mariadb instance
    mysql -h <mariadbEndPoint> -P 3306 -u root -p
  4. Make following configuration changes in MariaDB for DigiCert ONE.

    SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1; 
    SET GLOBAL max_connections=1000; [Required]
    SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet = 536870912;
  5. Create DigiCert ONE configuration files using ./dcone config, and follow the prompts to create dcone-sql-init-script.sql, dcone-secrets.yaml, dcone-deployment-values.yaml, and dcone-namespace.yaml files.

  6. Create the DigiCert ONE database in MariaDB by applying the dcone-sql-init-script.sql you already generated.

  7. Add DigiCert ONE Helm repository.

    helm repo add dcone
    helm repo update
  8. Deploy DigiCert ONE applications.

     #Run the following command to create the Kubernetes namespace:
    kubectl create -f dcone-namespace.yaml
    #Run the following command to add the Kubernetes secrets:
    kubectl apply -f dcone-secrets.yaml
    #Run the following command to install the TLS certificate:
    kubectl create secret tls dcone-tls --cert=<path to the TLS certificate> --key=<path to the TLS private key> -n ambassador
    kubectl create secret tls dcone-clientauth-tls --cert=<path to the clientauth TLS certificate> --key=<path to the clientauth TLS private key> -n ambassador
    #Install nginx
    helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --wait --timeout 50m
    kubectl patch configmap/ingress-nginx-controller -n default --type merge -p '{"data":{"enable-underscores-in-headers":"true"}}'
    kubectl patch configmap/ingress-nginx-controller -n default --type merge -p '{"data":{"hsts-include-subdomains":"false"}}'
    #Run the following command to create install the infrastructure:
    helm upgrade --install dcone-infra dcone/dcone-infra --values dcone-deployment-values.yaml --namespace ambassador
    #Run the following command to install the Digicert One application:
    helm upgrade --install dcone dcone/dcone --values dcone-deployment-values.yaml --namespace dcone
  9. Access the DigiCert ONE platform at https://<your-dcone-host>/.

  10. Enter the license code you received.

  11. Create the initial admin user.

    You can now use DigiCert ONE in this environment.