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Hash sign PDFs with first run of API calls

To sign a hash, execute the individual API calls below:

To get a list of credentials (certificates) stored in your DigiCert ONE account:

  1. Open the collection PDFService-2-0-SealSign CADES - API-Token Flow - Visible Signature works.

  2. Select 1 - DTM CSC Credential List > Send.

Your DigiCert ONE CredentialIDs (certificates) used are displayed in the body.

To get an overview of the functions used in DigiCert ONE:

  • Select 2 - DTM CSC Credential Info > Send.

You can see the functions used in DigiCert ONE.

To register a document:

  1. Select 3 - PDF Service: Register Document.

  2. Configure "tsa_url" variable value by entering the URL of the timestamp authority you will use to sign documents.

  3. Select Send.

To change signature appearance, use the configurations below:



type (optional)

Depending on the type, you are able to create a certified MDP (document modification detection and prevention) document. Default is not certified and shows a green tick. Certified shows a ribbon with a seal.






preservation_size (optional)

Enter preservation size of the space for embedding the signature in bytes. Value should be a multiple of 1024. (Format: int32).

signature_rectangle (optional)

Set the position and size of the digital signature annotation. The default is an invisible signature. The position is defined by four values for the lower-left corner (x, y) and dimensions (w, h) of the rectangle. The units are PDF points (1 point = 1/72 inch, A4 = 595 x 842 points, letter = 612 x 792 points, 1 cm = 28.3465 points) measured from the lower left corner of the page. If either the width or height is zero or negative, an invisible signature is created, i.e. no visible appearance is created for the signature.

(Format: int32).

page: Enter page on which the signature is added.

x: Enter x value of lower-left corner.

y: Enter y value of lower-left corner.

w: Enter width dimension of rectangle.

h: Enter height dimension of rectangle.

signature_text1 (optional)

Enter specific signature text instead of standard. (Example: signer's name).

reason (optional)

Enter reason.

contact (optional)

Enter contact.

font_text1 (optional)

Enter name of the font.

font_size_text1 (optional)

Enter font size of signature text 1. If attribute is not present default of 16pt is used. (Format: int32).

signature_text2 (optional)

Enter specific signature text instead of standard. (Example: signer’s name, reason and/or signing time).

font_text2 (optional)

Enter name of the font.

font_size_text2 (optional)

Enter font size of signature text 2. If attribute is not present default of 8pt is used. (Format: int32).

signature_fill_color (optional)

Enter background color in RGB. The default is 16761024 (red = 192, green = 192, blue = 255).

Color value is calculated as follows:

color red + green * 256 + blue * 256 * 256. To keep the rectangle transparent, set the value to -1. (Format: int32).

signature_stroke_color (optional)

Enter the color of the signature’s border line as RGB value. The default is 8405056 (red = 64, green = 64, blue = 128).

Color value is calculated as follows:

color red + green * 256 + blue * 256 * 256. To keep it transparent, set the value to -1. (Format: int32).

signature_line_width (optional)

Enter the thickness of the line surrounding the visual signature in points. (Format: int32).

background_image (optional)

Insert the image to be embedded in the signature field. (Base64 encoded). (Example: "dGVzdA==”).

To create a hash:

  1. Attach document.

  2. Select 4 - PDF Service: Create Hash > Send.

To generate a SAD (Signature Activation Data) and start authorization via the Go>Sign Mobile application:

  1. Select 5 - DTM: CSC Credential Authorize > Send.

  2. Navigate to Go>Sign Mobile application > Authorization request > Authorize.

You will receive a valid SAD required for signing the hash. This is required in Embed signature step.


In the DigiCert ONE demo environment, default values for reauthorization via Go>Sign Mobile application are set to "250,000 hashes or 30 days".

In the DigiCert ONE production environment, default values for reauthorization via Go>Sign Mobile application are to "1 million hashes or 95 days".

To sign the hash:

  • Select 7 - DTM: CSC Signatures SignHash > Send.

You will receive a valid signature in the body to embed in the document.

To sign a new hash:

  1. Select 8 - PDF Service: Embed Signature.

  2. The SAD created in Authorize credential step will be updated automatically.

  3. Select Send.

You will receive your document with the embedded signature.

To download the PDF and check the validity of the signature:

  1. Select Save as example (bottom right) > Save response to file.

  2. Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat Reader to check the validity of the signature.


PDFs created via the DigiCert ONE demo environment will display an invalid signature, as the certificate used is a demo and untrusted certificate. However, you can classify the root certificate as trusted in Adobe Acrobat Reader to display a green tick.

What's next

Sign subsequent PDFs