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Key storage management

The key storage works as safe-box for keys and certificates. You require the PIN to access sensitive data in hardware tokens.

PIN management

The application provides PIN management for hardware tokens through the following actions:

  • Change PIN

  • Reset PIN

Select a token under Tokens. Click Quick actions and under PIN management, select one to trigger the action.


Every incorrect PIN verification attempt consumes a PIN retry attempt counter. Try to avoid repetitive wrong attempts.

  • Change PIN: Enter Current PIN, New PIN, and Confirm PIN into each input field, and click Change PIN.

    This feature enables the end-user to change their existing PIN.

  • Reset PIN: Enter the admin/Management token PIN (existing or new PIN, depending on the token), Enter the user PIN (the new PIN for user), and click Reset.

    This feature resets the token (re-initializes the token and deletes all the data) and helps in creating a new PIN for the user.


When you reset a PIN, all your keys and certificates are deleted. DigiCert Trust Assistant version 1.1.6 and earlier does not support Reset PIN for Yubico tokens.