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Register single device

  1. Sign in to DigiCert® ONE as a Solution Administrator, Device Creator, or Device Administrator.

  2. In DigiCert ONE, in the Manager menu (grid at top right), select Device Trust.

  3. In the Device Trust Manager menu, select Device management.

  4. Select Register devices > Register single device.

  5. On the Device information step:

    1. Enter a Device name and, optionally, a description.

    2. Choose the Device group where the registered device will be assigned.

    3. Select Next.

  6. On the Certificate management policies step:

    1. Expand the Bootstrap certificate management policy for the device.

    2. For the Bootstrap certificate management policy, choose the certificate management policy to use for this device.


      The dropdown options display only those certificate management policies for the device group that uses the Register single device method.

    3. Select Who generates the keypairs:

      • I will generate the keypairs and provide CSRs or public keys: This option allows you to generate keypairs on your own and upload the corresponding Certificate Signing Request (CSR) or public key during the certificate request process. This approach provides control over the key generation process and private key handling.

      • DigiCert ONE generates the keypairs and returns encrypted certificates and private keys: When this option is selected, DigiCert ONE handles keypair generation, providing an encrypted certificate and private key file after device creation. This automates key management and ensures secure private key delivery. You can also specify the key type, such as RSA 2048 or P 256.

    4. Under Certificate variables:


      The disabled fields are inherited from the chosen certificate management policy. These settings are predefined and cannot be modified here.

      1. Enter the Common name for the certificate and, optionally, an organization name.

      2. Modify additional fields as needed.

    5. Select Register device. If you selected DigiCert ONE to generate the keypairs, download the device’s private key and save it securely.

The device will appear in the devices table with a Device state of Registered and a Connection status of Not connected.
