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Schedule lifecycle events for existing certificates

To schedule a lifecycle event for one of your existing certificates under managed automation:

  1. From the main menu, select Inventory.

  2. From the dropdown at top, open the Load view menu. Load the Managed automation system view or one of your saved custom views of certificates under managed automation.

  3. Locate the desired certificate, hover the Common name column for it, and select the icon for the automation action to schedule.

    • Available automation actions depend on the current automation status and may include options to renew, reissue, request a duplicate certificate, get your next certificate for multi-year orders, or switch to DigiCert​​®​​ from another certificate authority.

  4. Fill in the Automation request form:

    • Profile: Select the certificate profile to use to issue the certificate.

    • Certificate information: Verify the common name and any subject alternative names (SANs) for the certificate.

    • Additional order options: Enter optional comments and information about the order (not included in the certificate).

    • Schedule: Select whether to run the automation event now or schedule it for a later date and time.

    • Auto-renew: Select auto-renewal options for the certificate. These options will apply to this certificate only and override any auto-renew options configured in the certificate profile.

    • Scripts (agent-based automations only): Select from available pre- or post-installation scripts to run on a one-time basis for this automation event. These override any similar scripts in the agent configuration. To learn more, see Agent scripts.

    • Tags: Apply one or more tags to the issued certificate to help identify it in Trust Lifecycle Manager for management and tracking purposes.

    • Select the checkbox at bottom to acknowledge acceptance of the Certificate Services Agreement.

  5. Select Submit request to schedule the certificate lifecycle automation event.


Certificate reissue events can be scheduled in bulk. Use the checkboxes on the left to select the desired certificates, hover the Common name for one of them, and select Reissue from the Bulk actions menu.