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Keytool integration with KSP for Jarsigner

Jarsigner is a command-line tool provided as part of the Java Development Kit (JDK). It is used to digitally sign Java Archive (JAR) files and other related artifacts.

You can manage your cryptographic resources (certificates and keypairs) with Keytool using DigiCert​​®​​ Software Trust Manager KSP integration.


keytool commands (KSP)

You can use keytool with the DigiCert KSP to list keys, generate CSRs, generate certificates, and export certificates.

List keys

To list keypairs with the DigiCert​​®​​ Software Trust Manager KSP, run:

keytool -keystore NONE -storetype Windows-My -list

Export certificate

To export a certificate with the DigiCert​​®​​ Software Trust Manager KSP, run:

keytool -keystore NONE -storetype Windows-My -exportcert -file <file_name.cer> -alias <keypair_alias> [-rfc]

Sign with Jarsigner

You can sign directly with Jarsigner or via DigiCert's signing tools integrated with Jarsigner: