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Issue certificate from DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager using DigiCert Trust Assistant

  1. Access enrollment URL on any of the supported browser on your machine and wait for the page to load completely.

  2. All eligible tokens are listed on this page. Select the target token where you want to install the certificate. Enter the enrollment details and click on Update.

  3. Enter the token PIN in the pop-up dialog box and click OK. (Every wrong PIN entered here consumes a PIN retry attempt counter. Try to avoid repetitive wrong attempts.)

  4. After the PIN confirmation, the successful enrollment message is displayed.

  5. Install the certificate to token by clicking on Install Certificate and entering the token PIN in the popup dialog box.

  6. The certificate is successfully installed.

  7. Once the certificate is successfully installed, the DigiCert Trust Assistant executes the post-processing scripts (only if configured by your administrator) as a part of post certificate installation tasks. You will see the Post certificate installation section soon after the certificate gets successfully installed on your computer.

    For example, DigiCert Trust Assistant might configure MS Outlook's security profile to use the target certificate for signing and encryption.

Renew certificates from DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager using DigiCert Trust Assistant

Based on your renewal setting configured in your certificate profile, proceed and renew your certificate. Make sure that the renewal request is sent from the same computer where the certificate to be renewed is installed, or else the request will fail.

When the certificate installation is complete, you can verify the certificate details in the corresponding KeyStore.