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Edit a certificate template

If needed, you can update the JSON formatted certificate template. You must be a system administrator with DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager permissions to edit certificate templates.


Changing the contents of the certificate template affects all certificate profiles, enrollment profiles, certificate requests, and certificate renewals that rely on the certificate template.

  1. In DigiCert ONE®, in the Manager menu (top right), select DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager.

  2. In the DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager menu, select Certificates > Certificate template.

  3. On the Certificate templates page, select Edit certificate template.

  4. On the Edit certificate template page, in the Template name box, you can update the name of your template.

    Remember, this name is how you identify the template on the Certificate templates page and in the forms where a certificate template is required, such as on the Create a new certificate profile page.

  5. In the Format dropdown, you can change the format for the certificates you want to issue from this template.

    • X.509

      Supports RSA and ECDSA certificates.

      X.509 is the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) standard format of public key certificates.

    • Global platform

      Supports ECDSA certificates only.

      These certificates are around 1/10 the size of an x509v3 certificate.

  6. In the Template body box, you can add your updated JSON formatted certificate template information.

  7. In the Limited accounts dropdown, you can add or remove accounts that can use the template.

  8. When ready, select Update.

The updated certificate template will appear on the Certificate templates page and forms where template data is required, such as creating a certificate profile.