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管理グループは、ユーザーがDigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager内で表示・実行できることをさらに制御することができます。ユーザーを管理グループに追加すると、割り当てた管理グループに基づき、以下の項目のみが表示されます。


If a user is not assigned to a division, their visibility is not restricted. They will have access to all account information their user role allows access to, regardless of division assignments.

  • デバイス

  • Device groups

  • 証明書

  • Certificate management policies

  • Certificate profiles*

  • Artifacts*

  • Releases

  • Deployments

* Indicates that user visibility depends on whether a division was assigned when the item was created. 

  1. Sign in to DigiCert® ONE as a Solution Administrator.

  2. In the Device Trust Manager menu, select Divisions.

  3. 管理グループページの名前の列で、ユーザーに割り当てたい管理グループ名を選択します。

  4. Expand the Users assigned to division section.

The table displays User IDs and email addresses of users assigned to the division.

  1. In the Users assigned to divisions section, select the Add users dropdown.

  2. Choose one or more users to assign to the division.

  3. Select Add users to assign the chosen users to the division.


After you remove a user from a division, what they can access depends on the number of divisions they are assigned to:

  • Multiple divisions If the user is still assigned to one or more other divisions, they can no longer access the division-related information you removed them from.

  • One division If the user was assigned to only one division, they can now access all division-related information in the account. This includes the division they were removed from.

  1. In the Users assigned to divisions section, find the user to remove from the division.

  2. Hover over the user's row and select the Remove icon next to the User ID.