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A service users with access to a specific account. They are designed for automated workflows and authenticate using API keys (generated as token IDs) and client authentication certificates, typically used on build servers or in other automated systems, but cannot sign into the platform directly.

To create a service user


To perform this action, you must have a user role that contains the Manage users permission.

  1. Sign in to DigiCert ONE.

  2. Navigate to the Manager menu icon (top-right), select Account.

  3. In the left navigation menu, select Access > Service users.

  4. Select Create service user.

  5. サービスユーザーの詳細ページで、必要に応じて詳細を追加します。

    1. フレンドリ名

      Enter a unique display name. The name must include only letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Actions are logged under this name.

    2. 説明 (任意)

      Add additional information about the service user. This description only appears in the Service user details.

    3. 終了日(任意)

      Specify an expiration date (UTC). For example, selecting January 12, 2026 means the service user expires at 23:59:59 UTC.


      Update API integrations using this token ID before expiration to prevent disruptions. If needed, you can extend the expiration date later.

    4. Eメール


    5. このサービスユーザーを使用できるアカウント


    6. DigiCert ONE Manager access

      Assign one or more DigiCert ONE Managers. The service user can access the API for each Manager assigned here.

  6. 準備ができたら、次へを選択します。

    1. In the Accounts that can use this service user field, select the accounts this service user needs to interact with.

    2. In the DigiCert ONE Manager access field, assign one or more managers the service user will access via the API.

  7. Select Next.

  8. サービスユーザーの作成権限のページで、サービスユーザーに持たせたい各 DigiCert ONE マネージャの権限を選択します。


    Only assign roles necessary for the task or integration. If required, you can update these roles later.

  9. 準備ができたら、サービスユーザーの作成を選択します。

  10. サービストークンIDページで、IDトークンをコピーして安全な場所に保存し、後で使用できるようにします。


    The token ID is displayed only once and cannot be recovered if lost.

  11. トークンIDを保存したら、閉じるを選択します。