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Software Trust Manager user roles

Assign one or more roles to a Software Trust Manager user when you add or update the user.

  • Lead

    Account lead who manages assets and monitors compliance for users in the account.

  • Developer

    Developer who manages assets related to signing and releasing software.

  • Team Lead

    Team lead who manages developers and engineering teams that signs and releases software.

  • Signer

    Engineer or authenticated device that signs software.

  • Build Engineer

    Developer who signs and scans software using Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST).

  • KeyLocker Lead

    Account lead who manages assets, users, and signings.

  • KeyLocker Signer

    Engineer or authenticated device that signs software.

System roles for on-premises administration

For customers with DigiCert ONE installed on-premises, these roles are available for system administration.

  • Admin

    Admin responsible for day-to-day account configuration to enable Software Trust Manager.

  • Support

    Support team member who helps users with account setup and signing.

  • System auditor

    Admin who monitors systems and applications for policy and compliance.