DigiCert KeyLocker
Release notes RSS
March 5, 2025
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.9525.1 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.954.0
Fix for JCE code signing issue on Java 8
We have resolved an issue that prevented users from signing .jar files using the JCE method with Java 8.
Previously, attempts to sign using the documented jarsigner command failed, despite JCE method support for Java 8.
With this update, we have ensured compatibility of the JCE signing method with Java 8.
For JDK versions 8 and 9, the Bouncy Castle library is required for the sign command.
For JDK version 10 and higher, the Bouncy Castle library is not required for the sign command.
February 13, 2025
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.9391.1 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.947.0
Upgraded client tools and software
To address user feedback, we have upgraded client tools and software. This update does not impact KeyLocker customers, and no user action is required.
Notifications for KeyLocker signature consumption
To keep users informed about KeyLocker signature consumption, in this release we have introduced email notifications.
When 80%, 90%, and 100% of signature units are used, an email will be sent to the assigned signer and all account admins, when applicable.
With this release:
Notifications trigger at 80%, 90%, and full consumption of signature units.
If the order is assigned to an admin, then all admins in the account will receive notifications.
If the order is assigned to a signer, then the signer and all admins will receive notifications.
Notifications will trigger when additional signature units are purchased and reach the 80% and 90% thresholds.
January 22, 2025
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.9100.6 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.933.0
Upgraded client tools and software
To address user feedback, we have upgraded client tools and software. This update does not impact KeyLocker customers, and no user action is required.
January 13, 2025
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.9100.2 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.926.0
Upgraded client tools and software
To address user feedback, we have upgraded client tools and software. This update does not impact KeyLocker customers, and no user action is required.
Issues with documentation link
We resolved a broken documentation link in the Get started page in DigiCert One.
December 17, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.8893.10 | KeyLocker: 1.904.0
Extended synchronization window for Cert Central certificate orders
In this release, we have increased the synchronization window from 7 days to 14 days for Cert Central certificate orders.
This update reduces synchronization failures and better aligns with business timelines.
October 3, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.8480.1 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.862.0
Upgraded client tools and software
To address reported vulnerabilities, we have upgraded certain client tools and software.
Fixed login issues
We resolved an issue where clicking the KeyLocker icon to access a KeyLocker account would result in an error.
This issue has been resolved, ensuring the correct workflow to access your KeyLocker account.
Fixed broken links
In DigiCert One, we updated broken links that lead users to the documentation site.
September 18, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.8279.3 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.848.0
Version number change for KeyLocker client tools
You may have been notified about version 1.153.0
of KeyLocker tools; however, if you have already downloaded version 1.46.0
of the KeyLocker client tools, there is no need to update your client tools to the latest version as the changes made do not affect KeyLocker users.
August 21, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.9084.5 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.834.0
Version number change for KeyLocker client tools
You may have been notified about version 1.52.00
of KeyLocker tools; however, if you have already downloaded version 1.46.0
of the KeyLocker client tools, there is no need to update your client tools to the latest version as the changes made do not affect KeyLocker users.
July 31, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.7827.6 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.815.0
Version number change for KeyLocker client tools
You may have been notified about version 1.51.00
of KeyLocker tools; however, if you have already downloaded version 1.46.0
of the KeyLocker client tools, there is no need to update your client tools to the latest version as the changes made do not affect KeyLocker users.
July 18, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.7827.3 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.805.0
Version number change for KeyLocker client tools
You may have been notified about version 1.50.0
of KeyLocker tools; however, if you have already downloaded version 1.46.0
of the KeyLocker client tools, there is no need to update your client tools to the latest version as the changes made do not affect KeyLocker users.
July 3, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.7827.1 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.794.0
Version number change for KeyLocker client tools
You may have been notified about version 1.49.0
of KeyLocker tools; however, if you have already downloaded version 1.46.0
of the KeyLocker client tools, there is no need to update your client tools to the latest version as the changes made do not affect KeyLocker users.
June 19, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.7645.2 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.782.0
Account end date sync
KeyLocker accounts' end dates now automatically reflect the expiry date of the longest-valid certificate within the account. Users can align the account expiry date manually using the Sync certificate feature or wait for the automated sync job, which runs every Sunday at 2 AM, to ensure account end dates are accurately updated to match the latest certificate expiry.
May 22, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.7460.3 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.775.0
Version number change for KeyLocker client tools
You may have been notified about an updated version of KeyLocker tools; however, if you have already downloaded version 1.46.0
of the KeyLocker client tools, there is no need to update your client tools to the latest version as the changes made do not affect KeyLocker users.
May 15, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.7460.2 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.771.0
SMCTL and PKCS11 library added to version 1.46.0 of Mac Clients
We identified that the SMCTL and PKCS11 library was unintentionally excluded in version 1.46.0 of the Mac Clients. We have rectified this issue without altering the version number. If you've already installed this version, download it again to ensure you have access to all required client tools.
May 8, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.7460.1 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.770.0
Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) library
We added a JCE library to our Client tool repository. JCE is part of the Java Development Kit (JDK) that facilitates digital signing of Java Archive (JAR) files and related artifacts. Using JCE for signing is preferred over PKCS11 and KSP library options due to its compatibility with various operating systems (Windows, Linux, macOS, Solaris, and AIX) and Java architectures, including 64-bit, 32-bit, and ARM processors.
Version number change for KeyLocker client tools
You may have been notified about an updated version of KeyLocker tools; however, if you have already downloaded version 1.41.0
of the KeyLocker client tools, there is no need to update your client tools to the latest version as the changes made do not affect KeyLocker users.
April 3, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.7277.0 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.765.0
Users assigned to certificates
We have resolved an issue where the Certificate details page became skewed when multiple users were assigned as the certificate signer. This update ensures that the names are displayed clearly, without compromising user experience.
Signature limit for certificates purchased before November 3, 2024
We have removed references to signature limits for certificates purchased before November 3, 2024. This update aligns with our commitment to honor the service agreement at the time of purchase.
Keypair alias not displayed after syncing certificate
The sync certificate feature retrieves the latest certificate status from CertCentral. This action is used if your order status in CertCentral is different to your status in DigiCert® KeyLocker. While this works correctly, we noticed that after syncing the certificate, the keypair alias was not immediately displayed in the certificate details page. We have corrected this and all relevant information should display as expected.
Keypair alias filter
We have fixed an issue on the Certificates tab where filtering by keypair alias did not apply correctly, resulting in multiple certificates being listed. Now, when filtering by keypair alias, only the certificate associated with the specified keypair alias will be displayed in the list, ensuring accurate and streamlined results for users.
March 20, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.7083.4 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.756.0
Healthcheck error updated
When a user ran the smctl healthcheck
command and no signing tools were found in their system, the log files listed the following error message: "Error Tools cannot be null." We updated the error message to: "Unable to detect compatible signing tools." to improve the clarity that the user needs to install third-party signing tools.
March 19, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.7083.3 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.753.0
Signature and user limits for certificates purchased after November 3, 2024
KeyLocker implemented technical controls to enforce signature and signer limits on KeyLocker certificates purchased as stated in DigiCert's service terms on or after November 3, 2023. You can designate a user as the signer for the certificate in the Certificates tab in DigiCert® KeyLocker. To increase the signature limit of your certificate, you can purchase additional signatures in increments of 1,000 from CertCentral. Learn more
March 13, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.7083.2 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.751.0
Improved scalability and reliability
As an ongoing effort, we have improved the scalability and reliability of DigiCert® KeyLocker. These updates ensures seamless operations even during peak usage and provides our users with a more efficient and robust user experience.
February 14, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.6887.2 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.731.0
SHA-384 signature algorithm ICAs
CertCentral now issues certificates off SHA-384 signature algorithm ICAs. While previously limited to SHA-256, this update enables users to utilize SHA-384 signatures based on their CA and ICA settings within CertCentral. Users can seamlessly leverage this feature to further strengthen their certificate management workflows.
February 8, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.6887.1 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.724.0
Client tool download via API and plugins
We identified an issue preventing the download of DigiCert® KeyLocker client tools via the no authentication API endpoint: /signingmanager/api-ui/v1/releases/noauth/{releaseName}/download and CI/CD plugins. We have fixed this issue, and users should be able to successfully download our client tools using the endpoint referred to above and DigiCert® KeyLocker plugins.
February 7, 2024
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.6887.0 | DigiCert KeyLocker: 1.723.0
Version number change for KeyLocker client tools
You may have been notified about an updated version of KeyLocker tools; however, if you have already downloaded version 1.41.0
of the KeyLocker client tools, there is no need to update your client tools to the latest version as the changes made do not affect KeyLocker users.