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Self-service portal

Go to Settings > Self-service portal to enable the DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager self-service portal where end users can go to search and download their own certificates.

After enabling the self-service portal, the system generates a unique portal URL and QR code to share with users who need self-service access.

Before you begin

  • The Trust Lifecycle Manager Self service portal feature must be enabled for your account in DigiCert® Account Manager. Account administrators can verify and enable this feature.

  • To configure the self-service portal, you need the SSP Manager user role for Trust Lifecycle Manager or a custom user role that includes the SSP Portal config manage permission. To learn more, see Users and access.

  • Only certificates issued from a profile with the Enable self-service portal option can be searched and downloaded from the self-service portal. To learn more, see Create certificate profiles.

Enable the open portal

  1. From the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu, select Settings > Self-service portal.

  2. If you have not previously configured the self-service portal, you see a basic overview page about this feature. Select the Start configuring button to proceed with configuring the self-service portal.

  3. Make sure the option to enable the Open portal is checked off. Select the Configure button to proceed.

  4. On the details page, copy the Portal URL and/or QR code for the open portal. Provide these to end users to be able to search and download certificates from profiles with the self-service option enabled.

Disable or re-enable portal access

Edit the self-service portal to disable or re-enable access to it:

  1. From the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu, select Settings > Self-service portal.

  2. Select the edit (pencil) icon on the right.

  3. Uncheck the Open portal option to disable it, or check it off to re-enable access.

  4. Select the Update button to apply the changes.

Check the portal configuration

Verify the portal details by selecting Settings > Self-service portal from the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu:

  • If the open portal is currently enabled, the Portal URL and QR code values to share with end users are listed.

  • If the open portal is disabled, no values are shown for the Portal URL or QR code fields.

Apply branding to the self-service portal

Use the Settings > Branding function to customize public-facing pages including the self-service portal.

To learn more, see Branding.