If you configured your EST-enabled certificate profile to authenticate clients using dynamic enrollment codes (Enrollment Code
authentication method with Dynamic enrollment code options), you need to create the seat records in DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager before EST clients can start enrolling certificates.
Each seat record has an assigned enrollment code. To complete the enrollment and claim the seat, the EST client must provide a matching enrollment code.
If your profile is configured to authenticate using client certificates (TLS Certificate Auth
authentication method) or Global enrollment code options, skip this step and proceed to Enroll certificates via EST.
Create a CSV file in the following format to use to create seats and assign enrollment codes to them in Trust Lifecycle Manager:
For example:
In this example, 817902767
is the enrollment code that the EST client would send in their request to claim the seat and enroll a certificate.
Upload the CSV file to create the seat records and register the enrollment codes in Trust Lifecycle Manager:
Select Account > Seats from the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu.
Select the button to Manage seats in bulk.
Select the applicable seat type for the EST-enabled profile you created (either Device or Server seats).
In the Operation dropdown, select Create/Update seats.
Check off Do you wish to enroll the Seats against a profile?
Select CSV file contains enrollment codes from the enrollment code generation method dropdown.
Select your EST-enabled profile from the certificate profiles dropdown.
Drag your CSV file into the upload area or click to select it from your computer.
The system creates seat IDs based on the values in the CSV file (if they do not already exist) and generates pending enrollments for them using the enrollment codes. To verify:
Select Account > Seats from the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu to check the created seat records.
Select Enrollments to check the pending code-based enrollments.
Use the enrollment codes you configured to enroll certificates via EST for devices or servers.