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Platform components

Before using DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager, work with your account representative to prepare your environment by setting up the following DigiCert​​®​​ platform components.

Account Manager

DigiCert® Account Manager is where you manage users and access to Trust Lifecycle Manager.

Work with your account representative to:

CA Manager

DigiCert® CA Manager is an integrated PKI service for issuing private trust certificates directly from Trust Lifecycle Manager.

To issue and manage different types of private certificates for your organization, work with your account representative to set up private root and intermediate certificate authorities (CAs) in CA Manager.


DigiCert CertCentral® is a PKI platform for issuing different types of public trust certificates from DigiCert.

To use Trust Lifecycle Manager to issue and manage public DigiCert certificates for your organization, you need a CertCentral account.

Your account representative can help you set up a new CertCentral account for the types of public certificates you need.


Once your CertCentral account is set up, add a CA connector to link it to your Trust Lifecycle Manager account.

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