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To learn more, see Releases and Deployments.

Artifact types

You can create an artifact that provides devices with the following updates:

Table 1. Artifact types

Application update

This artifact type updates the application layer (containers, packages (.deb), files, directories) on a device without updating the entire system.

Device configuration

This artifact type updates the settings or parameters that control how a device operates, including:

  • Network settings (Wi-Fi credentials, IP configurations)

  • User preferences (language, timezone)

  • Operational parameters (thresholds, limits, modes of operation)

  • Security settings (passwords, encryption keys)

The purpose of this artifact type is to adapt the device to new requirements or to optimize the device’s performance without changing the underlying software that controls the device's basic functions.

Firmware update

This artifact type updates the low-level software embedded in an IoT device, including critical components, such as a bootloader and a device driver.

Operating system update

This artifact type updates the device’s operating system image.

Specifically, this artifact type:

  • Provides full image updates with a robust and failsafe support in the event of an update failure.

  • Allows built-in support for a dual redundant scheme (also known as A/B scheme), ensuring that the device always returns to a working state.

Understand the Artifacts table

When you create an artifact, an entry will be created in the Artifacts table in Device Trust Manager > Software updates > Artifacts.

The following table describes the components of the Artifacts table:

Table 2. Artifacts table




This column displays the alias of the artifact.


This column displays the division associated with the artifact.

Artifact version

This column displays the user-generated version number of the artifact.

When creating an artifact, the user can enter their own version number, based on their preferential versioning system. DigiCert does not generate these version numbers.


This column displays the release that the artifact is associated with.

Artifact type

This column displays the type of update that the artifact will execute, which can be:

  • Application update

  • Device configuration

  • Firmware update

  • Operating system update

To learn more about these artifact types, see Artifact types.

Artifact status

This column displays the status of the artifact, which can be:

  • Available

  • Disabled

Date created

This column display the date and time that the artifact was created.

Before you begin

To create an artifact, you must have the following assets available:

  • A payload file that contains the update's actual content:

    • A payload file contains the data, code, or instructions that are delivered or executed as part of a software package.

    • Often, a payload file contains binary diffs, application binaries, system images, or configuration files.

    • A payload file can be a binary script or a configuration file.

As you create an artifact, a manifest is automatically created based on the artifact's configurations.

  • A manifest provides metadata to complement the payload.

  • A manifest must contain the following data points:

    • Manifest version

    • Artifact name

    • Artifact version

    • Artifact description

    • Artifact type

    • Artifact handling actions (pre-install, install, post-install, or rollback)

    • Matching device attributes, firmware, OS platform

    • Provides and depends

    • Checksum (SHA256) or signature corresponding to artifact