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Manage agents

Manage your DigiCert​​®​​ agents from the Trust Lifecycle Manager Discovery & automation tools > Agents page in the following ways:

  • Hover the name of any agent and select an action from the actions (three dots) menu.

  • Use the checkboxes to select multiple agents and select an action from the Bulk actions dropdown for one of them.

  • Select an agent by name to view the agent details page, and from there select the edit (pencil) icon to update its configuration or select an action from the actions menu on the right.

  • If there are agents with deployment/configuration issues or in need of manual approval, an Alerts section appears above the agents table. Select the shortcut links in this section to take appropriate follow-up actions.


Use your account dashboard to monitor and launch pre-filtered views of agents with different statuses.

Management actions

Available management actions for agents depend on the current agent status and may include:

  • Assign group: Assign agents to an agent group.

  • Refresh configuration: Force activation of SNI domains after updating an agent's Server Name Indication (SNI) configuration. Used to discover and manage SNI certificates immediately after making updates without waiting for the agent to perform its daily refresh.

  • Enable/Disable auto-update: Enable or disable the software auto-update feature for agents. When enabled, each agent automatically keeps itself up-to-date by pulling new software versions from DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager.

  • Enable/Disable service restart: Enable or disable the post-install service restart feature for agents. When enabled, each agent automatically restarts the local web server application after installing a certificate during an automation event.

  • Assign scripts: Assign pre/post-install or SNI scripts to multiple agents at once (bulk action only).

  • Suspend/Resume: Temporarily suspend agent operations, or resume a suspended agent.

  • View managed certificates: Jump to the Inventory page with a pre-filtered list of certificates under management by the agent. From there, you can monitor and manage these certificate deployments.

  • View unsecured IP/ports: Jump to the Inventory page with a pre-filtered list of IP/ports the agent found that do not have certificates installed on them. From there, you can request new certificates on these unsecured IP/ports.

  • Update business unit: Update the business unit agents are assigned to for tracking and management purposes.

  • Update version: Update the software on an agent when a new version is available and auto-update is disabled.

  • Void: Permanently remove an agent from operation.