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CA Manager user roles

Assign one or more roles to a CA Manager user when you add or update the user.

  • Read only

    Read-only access for managed CAs.

  • PKI manager

    Admin responsible for requesting and authorizing key escrow and CA recovery. Also read-only access for managed CAs.

  • Key escrow

    Admin responsible for requesting and authorizing key escrow and CA recovery.

System roles for on-premises administration

For customers with DigiCert ONE installed on-premises, these roles are available for system administration.

  • CA admin

    PKI operations admin responsible for configuring their CA Manager accounts.

  • CA operations

    PKI operations admin responsible for creating and managing CAs, CRLs, and OCSPs.

  • PKI operations

    PKI operations admin who manages and reviews offline CA requests and keypools.

  • PKI validation

    PKI validation admin who manages and reviews offline CA requests.

  • PKI compliance

    PKI compliance admin who manages and reviews offline CA requests.

  • Read only

    Support team and auditor read-only access.