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Reset two-factor authentication (2FA)

When a user's 2FA is reset, DigiCert sends an email to the user with instructions to reset their mobile authenticator application. There are two methods to reset 2FA:

To reset 2FA


To perform this action, you must have a user role that contains the Manage users permission.

To reset your own two-factor authentication

  1. Begin the sign in workflow for DigiCert account.

  2. Enter your username.

  3. Enter your password.

  4. On the screen requesting your one time code, select Reset two factor authentication?.

  5. Select Request reset.


The reset instructions will be sent to the email address associated with your username.

Email subject: Reset two-factor authentication

To reset 2FA for a user in your account

  1. Sign in to your DigiCert account.

  2. In the left menu, select Users.

  3. Hover over the user's name until the more actions (⁝) icon appears.

  4. Select the more actions (⁝) icon > Reset 2-factor authentication.

  5. Select Send reset instructions.


The reset instructions will be sent to the email address associated with your username.

Email subject: Sync your device for DigiCert sign-in
