To view the current connectors in your DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager account:
From the main menu, select Integrations > Connectors to list all your existing connectors including connector statuses and other data.
Sort the connectors by selecting a column title or use the filter icons to select specific records.
Customize the table columns by selecting the table settings at the right side of the table header.
Select a connector name to view all the details for it.
To view the digital trust assets found and managed through each connector in your DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager account:
From the main menu, select Integrations > Connectors.
Hover the connector record in question. From the actions menu next to the connector name, select one of the following actions:
View managed certificates: List certificates that are currently being managed by Trust Lifecycle Manager through this connector.
View discovered certificates: List certificates that Trust Lifecycle Manager found through this connector, but which are not currently having their lifecycles managed by Trust Lifecycle Manager.
View unsecured IP/ports: List any unsecured IP/ports found through this connector, if applicable. Each one is a potential target to install a certificate for securing communications on that IP/port.
After selecting one of the above actions, you are taken to your Inventory page in Trust Lifecycle Manager with a pre-filtered view of the applicable assets.
Discovered certificates and unsecured IP/ports are potential candidates to start managing with DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager's automation features. This requires additional configuration. To learn how to set it up, see Certificate lifecycle automation.