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Change log: 2021

2021 changes

December 7, 2021

CertCentral Report Library now available

We are happy to announce the CertCentral Report Library is now available for CertCentral Enterprise and CertCentral Partner.* The Report Library is a powerful reporting tool that allows you to download more than 1000 records at a time. Use the Report Library to build, schedule, organize, and export reports to share and reuse.

The Report Library includes six customizable reports: Orders, Organizations, Balance history, Audit log, Domains, and Fully qualified domain names (FQDN). When building reports, you control the details and information that appear in the report, configure the columns and column order, schedule how often you want the report to run (once, weekly, or monthly), and choose the report format (CSV, JSON, or Excel). In addition, you receive notices when the report is ready for download in your account.

To build your first report:
  1. In your CertCentral account, in the left main menu, select Reports.

    To use the Report Library, you must be a CertCentral administrator. CertCentral Managers, Finance Managers, Standard Users, and Limited Users do not have access to Reports in their accounts.

  2. On the Report library page, select Build a report.

To learn more about building reports:


*Don't see the Report Library in your account? Contact your account manager or DigiCert support for help.

CertCentral Report Library API is also available

We're pleased to announce the release of the CertCentral Report Library API! This new API service makes it possible to leverage key features of the Report Library in your CertCentral API integrations, including building reports and downloading report results*.

See our Report Library API documentation to learn more about including the Report Library in your API integrations.


*To use the CertCentral Report Library API, Report Library must be enabled for your CertCentral account. For help activating the Report Library, contact your account manager or DigiCert support .

Bugfix: Unique organization name check did not include assumed name

We updated our unique organization name check to include the assumed name (doing business as name) when creating an organization.


Before, in CertCentral and the CertCentral Services API, when you tried to create an organization with the same name as an existing organization, we returned an error and would not let you create the organization, even if the assumed name (DBA) was different.

Now, when you create an organization, we include the assumed name in the unique organization check. Therefore, you can create organizations with the same name, as long as each organization has a unique assumed name.

For example:

  • First organization: No assumed name

    • Name: YourOrganization

    • Assumed name:

  • Second organization: Name plus unique assumed name

    • Name: YourOrganization

    • Assumed name: OrganizationAssumedName

Creating organizations

In CertCentral and the CertCentral Services API, you can create an organization to submit for prevalidation or when you order a TLS/SSL certificate. This change applies to both processes.

CertCentral: DigiCert now issues client certificates from the DigiCert Assured ID Client CA G2 intermediate CA certificate

To remain compliant with industry standards, DigiCert had to replace the intermediate CA (ICA) certificate used to issue CertCentral client certificates.

CertCentral client certificate profiles that used the DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID CA intermediate CA certificate now use the DigiCert Assured ID Client CA G2 intermediate CA certificate. This change also changes the root certificate from DigiCert Assured ID Root CA to DigiCert Assured ID Root G2.

Old ICA and root certificates

  • (ICA) DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID CA

  • (Root) DigiCert Assured ID Root CA

New ICA and root certificates

  • (ICA) DigiCert Assured ID Client CA G2

  • (Root) DigiCert Assured ID Root G2

For more information, see DigiCert ICA Update. To download a copy of the new intermediate CA certificate, see DigiCert Trusted Root Authority Certificates.

Do you still need your client certificate to chain to the DigiCert Assured ID Root CA certificate? Contact your account representative or DigiCert Support.

December 4, 2021

Upcoming Scheduled Maintenance

DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance on December 4, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MST (December 5, 2021, between 05:00 – 07:00 UTC). Although we have redundancies to protect your service, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time.

What can I do?

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues before or after the maintenance window.

  • Expect interruptions if you use the APIs for immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks.

  • To get live maintenance updates, subscribe to the DigiCert Status page. This subscription includes email alerts for when maintenance begins and when it ends.

  • For scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as we complete the maintenance.

November 16, 2021

Industry changes to file-based DCV (HTTP Practical Demonstration, file auth, file, HTTP token, and HTTP auth)

To comply with new industry standards for the file-based domain control validation (DCV) method, you can only use the file-based DCV to demonstrate control over fully qualified domain names (FQDNs), exactly as named.

To learn more about the industry change, see Domain validation policy changes in 2021.

How does this affect me?

As of November 16, 2021, you must use one of the other supported DCV methods, such as Email, DNS TXT, and CNAME, to:

  • Validate wildcard domains (*

  • To include subdomains in the domain validation when validating the higher-level domain. For example, if you want to cover, when you validate the higher-level domain,

  • Prevalidate entire domains and subdomains.

To learn more about the supported DCV method for DV, OV, and EV certificate requests:

CertCentral: Pending certificate requests and domain prevalidation using file-based DCV

Pending certificate request

If you have a pending certificate request with incomplete file-based DCV checks, you may need to switch DCV methods* or use the file-based DCV method to demonstrate control over every fully qualified domain name, exactly as named, on the request.


*For certificate requests with incomplete file-based DCV checks for wildcard domains, you must use a different DCV method.

To learn more about the supported DCV methods for DV, OV, and EV certificate requests:

Domain prevalidation

If you plan to use the file-based DCV method to prevalidate an entire domain or entire subdomain, you must use a different DCV method.

To learn more about the supported DCV methods for domain prevalidation, see Supported domain control validation (DCV) methods for domain prevalidation.

CertCentral Services API

If you use the CertCentral Services API to order certificates or submit domains for prevalidation using file-based DCV (http-token), this change may affect your API integrations. To learn more, visit File-based domain control validation (http-token).

November 06, 2021

Upcoming schedule maintenance

DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance on November 6, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (November 7, 2021, between 04:00 – 06:00 UTC).

PKI Platform 8 maintenance

We will start the PKI Platform 8 maintenance at 22:00 MDT (04:00 UTC). Then, for approximately 30 minutes, the PKI Platform 8 will experience service delays and performance degradation that affect:

  • Signing in and using your PKI Platform 8 to perform in-console certificate lifecycle tasks.

  • Using any of your PKI Platform 8 corresponding APIs or protocols (for example, SOAP, REST, SCEP, and EST) to perform certificate lifecycle operations.

  • Performing certificate lifecycle tasks/operations:

    • Enrolling certificates: new, renew, or reissues

    • Adding domains and organizations

    • Submitting validation requests

    • Viewing reports, revoking certificates, and creating profiles

    • Adding users, viewing certificates, and downloading certificates

  • Certificate issuance for PKI Platform 8 and its corresponding API.


  • APIs will return a "cannot connect" error.

  • Certificate enrollments that receive "cannot connect" errors must be resubmitted after DigiCert restores services.

The PKI Platform 8 maintenance only affects PKI Platform 8. It does not affect any other DigiCert platforms or services.

What can I do?

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues before or after the maintenance window.

  • Expect interruptions if you use the APIs for immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks.

  • To get live maintenance updates, subscribe to the DigiCert Status page. This subscription includes email alerts for when maintenance begins and when it ends.

  • For scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as we complete the maintenance.

October 02, 2021

Upcoming scheduled maintenance

On October 2, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (October 3, 2021, between 04:00 – 06:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance.

CertCentral, CIS, SCEP, Direct Cert Portal, and DigiCert ONE maintenance

DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance. Although we have redundancies to protect your service, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time.

PKI Platform 8 maintenance and downtime:

DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance on PKI Platform 8. During this time, the PKI Platform 8 and its corresponding APIs will be down for approximately 20 minutes. We will start the PKI Platform 8 maintenance at 22:00 MDT (04:00 UTC).

Then, for approximately 20 minutes:

  • You will be unable to sign in and use your PKI Platform 8 to perform in-console certificate lifecycle tasks.

  • You will be unable to use any of your PKI Platform 8 corresponding APIs or protocols (for example, SOAP, REST, SCEP, and EST) to perform certificate lifecycle operations.

  • You will be unable to:

    • Enroll certificates: new, renew, or reissues

    • Add domains and organizations

    • Submit validation requests

    • View reports, revoke certificates, and create profiles

    • Add users, view certificates, and download certificates

  • DigiCert will be unable to issue certificates for PKI Platform 8 and its corresponding API.

  • APIs will return a "cannot connect" error.

  • Certificate enrollments that receive "cannot connect" errors must be resubmitted after DigiCert restores services.

The PKI Platform 8 maintenance only affects PKI Platform 8. It does not affect any other DigiCert platforms or services.

What can I do?

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues before or after the maintenance window.

  • Expect interruptions if you use the APIs for immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks.

  • To get live maintenance updates, subscribe to the DigiCert Status page. This subscription includes email alerts for when maintenance begins and when it ends.

  • For scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as we complete the maintenance.

September 11, 2021

Upcoming scheduled maintenance

On September 11, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (September 12, 2021, between 04:00 – 06:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance.

CertCentral, CIS, SCEP, Direct Cert Portal, and DigiCert ONE maintenance

DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance. Although we have redundancies to protect your service, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time.

PKI Platform 8 maintenance and downtime:

DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance on PKI Platform 8. During this time, the PKI Platform 8 and its corresponding APIs will be down for approximately 60 minutes.

We will start the PKI Platform 8 maintenance at 22:00 MDT (04:00 UTC).

Then, for approximately 60 minutes:

  • You will be unable to sign in and use your PKI Platform 8 to perform in-console certificate lifecycle tasks.

  • You will be unable to use any of your PKI Platform 8 corresponding APIs or protocols (for example, SOAP, REST, SCEP, and EST) to perform certificate lifecycle operations.

  • You will be unable to:

    • Enroll certificates: new, renew, or reissues

    • Add domains and organizations

    • Submit validation requests

    • View reports, revoke certificates, and create profiles

    • Add users, view certificates, and download certificates

  • DigiCert will be unable to issue certificates for PKI Platform 8 and its corresponding API.

  • APIs will return a "cannot connect" error.

  • Certificate enrollments that receive "cannot connect" errors must be resubmitted after DigiCert restores services.

The PKI Platform 8 maintenance only affects PKI Platform 8. It does not affect any other DigiCert platforms or services.

What can I do?

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues before or after the maintenance window.

  • Expect interruptions if you use the APIs for immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks.

  • To get live maintenance updates, subscribe to the DigiCert Status page. This subscription includes email alerts for when maintenance begins and when it ends.

  • For scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as we complete our maintenance.

September 08, 2021

CertCentral Services API: Domain management enhancements

To make it easier to maintain active validation for domains in your account, we added new filters, response fields, and a new endpoint to our domain management APIs. With these updates, you can:

  • Find domains with OV and EV validation reuse periods that are expired or expiring soon.

  • Find domains affected by the September 27, 2021 policy change to shorten OV domain validation reuse periods.*

Enhanced APIs: List domains and List subaccount domains

We made the following enhancements to the list domains and list subaccount domains endpoints:

  • Added validation filter valuesOn September 27, 2021*, existing OV domain validation reuse periods will shorten to 397 days from the date validation was completed. For some domains, the reduced validation period will have already expired, or will expire before the end of 2021.

    To help you find these domains so you can resubmit them for validation, we added a new value for the validation filter: shortened_by_industry_changes. We also added filter values to help you find domains with OV or EV domain validation periods that expire in different timeframes. The new validation filter values include:

    • shortened_by_industry_changes

    • ov_expired_in_last_7_days

    • ov_expiring_within_7_days

    • ov_expiring_within_30_days

    • ov_expiring_from_31_to_60_days

    • ov_expiring_from_61_to_90_days

    • ev_expired_in_last_7_days

    • ev_expiring_within_7_days

    • ev_expiring_within_30_days

    • ev_expiring_from_31_to_60_days

    • ev_expiring_from_61_to_90_days

  • Added fields to the dcv_expiration objectYou can now submit a request that returns the following fields in the dcv_expiration object: ov_shortened, ov_status, ev_status, and dcv_approval_date. These fields only return if your request includes the newly added query string filters[include_validation_reuse_status]=true.

  • Added dcv_method filterWe added the option to filter domains by domain control validation (DCV) method. To use this filter, append the query string filters[dcv_method]={{value}} to the request URL. Possible values are email, dns-cname-token, dns-txt-token, http-token, and http-token-static.

Enhanced API: Domain info

You can now submit a request to the domain info endpoint that returns the following fields in the dcv_expiration object: ov_shortened, ov_status, ev_status, and dcv_approval_date. These fields only return if your request includes the newly added query string include_validation_reuse_status=true.

New API: Expiring domains count

We added a new endpoint that returns the number of domains in your account with expired or expiring OV or EV domain validations. For more information, see Expiring domains count.

*On September 27, 2021, the expiration date for existing OV domain validations will shorten to 397 days from the date validation was completed. Learn more about this policy change: Domain validation changes in 2021.

September 07, 2021

CertCentral Services API: Get orders by alternative order ID

We created a new endpoint to make it easier to get certificate order details using alternative order IDs: Get orders by alternative order ID. This endpoint returns the order ID, certificate ID, and order status of certificate orders with the alternative_order_id you provide in the URL path.

August 23, 2021

DV certificate bug fix

We fixed a bug that changes the reissue workflow for DV certificates. After August 24, 2021, when you reissue a DV certificate and change or remove SANs, the original certificate and any previously reissued or duplicate certificates are revoked after a 72-hour delay.

August 20, 2021

Wildcard changes

We updated the behavior for products that can use wildcard domain names and fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) in a certificate. After August 23, 2021 certificates including the wildcard domain name will only secure the FQDN and all of its same-level domain names without charge.

Subject Alternative Names (SANs) that are not at the same level as the wildcard domain name will be considered additional to the wildcard coverage. For example, a wildcard certificate for * will only allow FQDNs like,, and to be included as SANs in the certificate without charge.

August 07, 2021

Upcoming Schedule Maintenance

On August 7, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (August 8, 2021, between 04:00 – 06:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance. Although we have redundancies to protect your service, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time.

What can I do?

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues before or after the maintenance window.

  • To get live maintenance updates, subscribe to the DigiCert Status page. This subscription includes email alerts for when maintenance starts and when maintenance ends.

  • For scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as we complete the maintenance.

July 12, 2021

Verified Mark Certificates available now

Verified Mark Certificates (VMCs) are a new type of certificate that allow companies to place a certified brand logo next to the “sender” field in customer inboxes—visible before the message is opened—acting as confirmation of your domain’s DMARC status and your organization’s authenticated identity. Learn more about VMC certificates.

To disable or change availability of VMC in your account, visit the Product Settings page.


If you do not see VMCs in your account, it may be because we are not offering the product to all account types yet. It is also possible that the product is available, but one of your CertCentral account’s administrators turned the product off in Product Settings.

CertCentral Services API: Verified Mark Certificate enhancements

To help you manage your Verified Mark Certificate (VMC) orders in your API integrations, we’ve made the following updates to the CertCentral Services API.

New endpoints:

Updated endpoints:

  • Order info

    We updated the Order info endpoint to return a vmc object with the trademark country code, registration number, and logo information for VMC orders.

  • Email certificate

    We updated the Email certificate endpoint to support emailing a copy of your issued VMC.

To learn more about managing VMC certificates from your API integrations, visit Verified Mark Certificate workflow.

July 10, 2021

Upcoming scheduled maintenance

On July 10, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (July 11, 2021, between 04:00 – 06:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance.

During maintenance, for approximately 60 minutes, the services specified below under Service downtime will be down. Due to the scope of the maintenance, the services specified below under Service interruptions may experience brief interruptions during a 10-minute window.

Service downtime

From 22:00 – 23:00 MDT (04:00 – 05:00 UTC), while we perform database-related maintenance, the following services will be down for up to 60 minutes:

  • CertCentral / Services API

  • Direct Cert Portal / API

  • ACME

  • Discovery / API

  • ACME agent automation / API


API Note: Affected APIs will return “cannot connect” errors. Certificate-related API requests that return a “cannot connect” error message during this window will need to be placed again after services are restored.

Service interruptions

During a 10-minute window, while we perform infrastructure maintenance, the following DigiCert service may experience brief service interruptions:

  • Certificate Issuing Service (CIS)

  • Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)

  • DigiCert ONE

  • Automation service

  • CT Log monitoring

  • Vulnerability assessment

  • PCI compliance scans

Services not affected

These services are not affected by the maintenance activities:

  • PKI Platform 8

  • PKI Platform 7

  • QuoVadis TrustLink

What can I do?

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues before or after the maintenance window.

  • Expect interruptions if you use the APIs for immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks.

  • To get live maintenance updates, subscribe to the DigiCert Status page. This subscription includes email alerts for when maintenance starts and when maintenance ends.

  • For scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as the maintenance is completed.

June 05, 2021

Upcoming scheduled maintenance

On June 5, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (June 6, 2021, between 04:00 – 06:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance. Although we have redundancies to protect your service, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time.

What can I do?

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues before or after the maintenance window.

  • To get live maintenance updates, subscribe to the DigiCert Status page. This subscription includes email alerts for when maintenance starts and when maintenance ends.

  • For scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as we complete the maintenance.

June 03, 2021

CertCentral Services API: Improved domains array in OV/EV order response

To make it easier to see how the Services API groups the domains on your OV/EV TLS certificate orders for validation, we added a new response parameter to the endpoints for submitting certificate order requests: domains[].dns_name.*

The dns_name parameter returns the common name or SAN of the domain on the order. To prove you control this domain, you must have an active validation for the domain associated with the domains[].name and domains[].id key/value pairs.

Example OV certificate order

Example 1. JSON payload
    "certificate": {
        "common_name": "",
        "dns names" : [
        "esr": ({csr}}
    "organiation": {
        "id": ((organization id}}
    "dev method": "email",
    "order validity": {
        "years": 1

Example 2. JSON response
    "id": 137368217,
    "domains": [
            "id": 3530297,
            "name": "",
             "dns name" : ""
            "id": 3530297,
            "name": "",
            "dns name" : ""
            "id": 3530297,
            "name": "",
            "dns name": ""
    "certificate id": 138305304

The Services API returns the domains[].dns_name parameter in the JSON response for the following endpoints:


*Only order requests for OV/EV TLS certificates return a domains array.

May 27, 2021

Industry moves to 3072-bit key minimum RSA code signing certificates

Starting May 27, 2021, to comply with new industry standards for code signing certificates, DigiCert will make the following changes to our code signing certificate process.

  • Stop issuing 2048-bit key code signing certificates

  • Only issue 3072-bit key or stronger code signing certificates

  • Use 4096-bit key intermediate CA and root certificates to issue our code signing certificates.

See Appendix A in the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Code Signing Certificates to learn more about these industry changes,

How do these changes affect my existing 2048-bit key certificates?

All existing 2048-bit key size code signing certificates issued before May 27, 2021, will remain active. You can continue to use these certificates to sign code until they expire.

What if I need 2048-bit key code signing certificates?

Take these actions, as needed, before May 27, 2021:

  • Order new 2048-bit key certificates

  • Renew expiring 2048-bit key certificates

  • Reissue 2048-bit key certificates

How do these changes affect my code signing certificate process starting May 27, 2021?

Reissues for code signing certificate

Starting May 27, 2021, all reissued code signing certificates will be:

  • 3072-bit key or stronger. See eTokens for EV code signing certificates and HSMs for EV code signing certificates below.

  • Automatically issued from new intermediate CA and root certificates. See New ICA and root certificates below.

New and renewed code signing certificates

Starting May 27, 2021, all new and renewed code signing certificates will be:

  • 3072-bit key or stronger. See eTokens for EV code signing certificates and HSMs for EV code signing certificates below.

  • Automatically issued from new intermediate CA and root certificates. See New ICA and root certificates below.

CSRs for code signing certificates

Starting May 27, 2021, you must use a 3072-bit RSA key or larger to generate all certificate signing requests (CSR). We will no longer accept 2048-bit key CSRs for code signing certificate requests.

eTokens for EV code signing certificates

Starting May 27, 2021, you must use an eToken that supports 3072-bit keys when you reissue, order, or renew an EV code signing certificate.

  • When you order or renew an EV code signing certificate, DigiCert includes a 3072-bit eToken with your purchase. DigiCert provides an eToken with the Preconfigured Hardware Token provisioning option.

  • When your reissue your EV code signing certificate reissues, you must provide your own 3072-bit eToken. If you don't have one, you will be unable to install your reissued certificate on your eToken.

  • You must have a FIPS 140-2 Level 2 or Common Criteria EAL4+ compliant device.

HSMs for EV code signing certificates

Starting May 27, 2021, you must use an HSM that supports 3072-bit keys. Contact your HSM vendor for more information.

New ICA and root certificates

Starting May 27, 2021, DigiCert will issue all new code signing certificates from our new RSA and ECC intermediate CA and root certificates (new, renewed, and reissued).

RSA ICA and root certificates:

  • DigiCert Trusted G4 Code Signing RSA4096 SHA384 2021 CA1

  • DigiCert Trusted Root G4

ECC ICA and root certificates

  • DigiCert Global G3 Code Signing ECC SHA384 2021 CA1

  • DigiCert Global Root G3

No action is required unless you practice certificate pinning, hard code certificate acceptance, or operate a trust store.

If you do any of these things, we recommend updating your environment as soon as possible.

Stop pinning and hard coding ICAs or make the necessary changes to ensure certificates issued from the new ICA certificates are trusted (in other words, they can chain up to their issuing ICA and trusted root certificates).


If you have questions or concerns, please contact your account manager or our support team.

May 12, 2021

Site seal bug fix

We fixed a bug that allowed site seals to display on fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) that were not included in the certificate. Now, seals only display when there is an exact FQDN match.

May 01, 2021

Upcoming scheduled maintenance

On May 1, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (May 2, 2021, between 04:00 – 06:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance.

For up to 10 minutes total during the 2-hour window, we will be unable to issue certificates for the DigiCert platforms, their corresponding APIs, immediate certificate issuance, and those using the APIs for other automated tasks.

Affected services:
  • CertCentral / Service API

  • ACME

  • ACME agent automation / API

  • Direct Cert Portal / API

  • Certificate Issuing Service (CIS)

  • Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)

  • QuoVadis TrustLink


API note:

  • APIs will return "cannot connect" errors.

  • Certificate requests submitted during this window that receive a "cannot connect" error message will need to be placed again after services are restored.

Services not affected
  • PKI Platform 8

  • PKI Platform 7

  • DigiCert ONE managers

What can I do?

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues before or after the maintenance window.

  • Expect interruptions if you use the APIs for immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks.

  • To get live maintenance updates, subscribe to the

    DigiCert Status page. This subscription includes email alerts for when maintenance starts and when maintenance ends.

  • For scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as we complete the maintenance.

April 29, 2021

CertCentral Services API: Domain validation status in Domain info response

To make it easier to get a comprehensive validation status for your domains, DigiCert is deprecating the status parameter in the Domain info response. To ensure you are getting complete and accurate status information for each different validation type on your domains, you should use the validations array when you call the Domain info endpoint from your API integrations instead.


The Domain info endpoint will continue to return a status parameter value.


In the Domain info response, the status parameter is designed to return a single string value. When DigiCert offered fewer products, a single value in the API was enough to represent the validation status for your domains.

Now, DigiCert offers certificate products that use many different types of validation. Different validation types have different requirements, and these requirements change as industry standards evolve. As DigiCert validates your domains for different types of certificate issuance, each type of validation that you request can be in a different state.

  • The OV validation for a domain may be completed.

  • The EV validation for the same domain may be expired.

As a result, DigiCert can no longer use a single value to return comprehensive information about the validation status for a domain.

Instead of relying on a single value, use the Domain info endpoint to request a validations array – a list of objects with status information for each type of validation on the domain. To get this data, include the query parameter include_validation=true when you submit your request.

Example 3. Request with include_validation=true parameter{{domain_id}}?include validation=true

  "validations": [
      "type": "ov",
      "name": "OV",
      "description": "Normal Organization Validation",
      "validated_until": "2023-07-31T14:51:31+00:00",
      "status": "active",
      "dcv_status": "complete"
      "type": "ev",
      "name": "EV",
      "description": "Extended Organization Validation (EV)",
      "validated_until": "2022-05-27T14:51:31+00:00",
      "status": "active",
      "dcv_status": "complete"

Learn more about using the Domain info endpoint

April 28, 2021

CertCentral Services API: Site seal enhancements

To help you manage your site seals in your API integrations, we’ve made the following updates to the CertCentral Services API:

  • New endpoint: Upload site seal logo

    We added a new endpoint – Upload site seal logo – you can use to upload your company logo for use with a DigiCert Smart Seal. This logo appears in the site seal on your website.


    Only Secure Site and Secure Site Pro SSL/TLS certificates support the option to display your company logo in the site seal.

  • New endpoint: Update site seal settings

    We added a new endpoint – Update site seal settings – you can use to change the appearance of your site seal and the information that displays on the site seal information page.

  • Updated endpoint: Get site seal settings

    We updated the Site seal settings endpoint to return information about each property you can customize with the Update site seal settings endpoint.

April 26, 2021

CertCentral Services API: Revoke certificate by serial number

To make it easier to manage certificates from your API integrations, we updated the Revoke certificate endpoint path to accept the certificate ID or the serial number of the certificate to revoke. Previously, the Revoke certificate endpoint path only accepted the certificate ID.

Example 4. Revoke certificate path using the certificate ID:{{certificate_id}}/revoke

Example 5. Revoke certificate path using the certificate serial number:{{serial_number}}/revoke

Learn more about using the Revoke certificate endpoint

April 20, 2021

DigiCert Smart Seal now available with Secure Site Pro and Secure Site TLS/SSL certificates

We are happy to announce the release of our new site seal, the DigiCert Smart Seal. The new Smart Seal works with your Secure Site Pro and Secure Site TLS certificates to provide your customers with the assurance that your website is secured by DigiCert—one of the most recognized names in TLS/SSL security.

To make the Smart Seal more interactive and engaging, we added a hover-over effect, animation, and the ability to display your company logo in the hover-over effect and animation feature.

  • Hover-over effect

    When visitors hover on the seal, it magnifies and displays additional data.

  • Animation

    When visitors come to your site, the seal slowly evolves between the seal and the additional details.

  • Logo*

    Add your logo to the hover-over effect and the site seal animation. Your logo appears with additional details.

    *DigiCert must approve your logo before it appears in the Smart Seal on your website.


You must install the new site seal code on your website to use the Smart Seal image, the hover-over effect, the animation, and add your logo to the site seal.

Improved site seal information page

Secure Site and Secure Site Pro certificates allow you to add information to the site seal information page. This additional information enables site visitors to see the steps you are taking to ensure your website is secure.

  • Malware scan

    Site visitors can see that you monitor your website for viruses and malware.

  • CT log monitoring

    Site visitors can see that you monitor the certificate transparency (CT) logs, allowing you to act quickly if a bad actor issues a fraudulent certificate for your domain


    CT log monitoring is only available with Secure Site Pro certificates. PCI compliance scan is only available with Secure Site Pro and Secure Site EV certificates.

  • Blocklist

    Site visitors can see your business is clear from government and country-specific blocklists.

  • PCI compliance scan

    Site visitors can see that you monitor your website to ensure it is compliant with PCI DDS Standards.


    PCI compliance scan is only available with Secure Site Pro and Secure Site EV certificates.

  • Verified customer

    Site visitors can see how long you've been using one of the most trusted names in TLS/SSL certificates to protect your websites.

Learn how to configure and install your Smart Seal and site seal information page

April 03, 2021

Upcoming scheduled maintenance

On April 3, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MDT (April 4, 2021, between 04:00 – 06:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance.

During maintenance, for up to 10 minutes, we will be unable to issue certificates for the DigiCert platforms, their corresponding APIs, immediate certificate issuance, and those using the APIs for other automated tasks.

Affected services

For approximately 10 minutes, DigiCert will be unable to issue certificates for these services and APIs:

  • CertCentral / Service API

  • ACME

  • ACME agent automation / API

  • Direct Cert Portal / API

  • Certificate Issuing Service (CIS)

  • Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)

  • QuoVadis TrustLink


API note

  • APIs will return "cannot connect" errors.

  • Certificate requests submitted during this window that receive a "cannot connect" error message will need to be placed again after services are restored.

Services not affected

These services are not affected by the maintenance activities:

  • PKI Platform 8 / API

  • PKI Platform 8 SCEP

  • PKI Platform 7 / API

  • PKI Platform 7 SCEP

  • DigiCert ONE managers

What can I do?

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues before or after the maintenance window.

  • Expect interruptions if you use the APIs for immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks.

  • To get live maintenance updates, subscribe to the DigiCert Status page. This subscription includes email alerts for when maintenance starts and when maintenance ends.

  • For scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as we complete the maintenance.

March 20, 2021

PKI Platform 8 Critical Maintenance

On March 20, 2021, between 18:00 – 24:00 MST (March 21, 2021, between 00:00 – 06:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform critical maintenance on PKI Platform 8. During maintenance, the PKI Platform 8 and its corresponding API will be down for approximately six hours.

How does this affect me?

For approximately six hours:

  • You will be unable to sign in to your PKI Platform 8 to perform in-console certificate lifecycle tasks.

  • You will be unable to use any of your PKI Platform 8 corresponding APIs or protocols (for example, SOAP, REST, SCEP, Intune SCEP, and EST) to perform certificate lifecycle operations.

  • You will be unable to:

    • Enroll certificates: new, renew, or reissues

    • Add domains and organizations

    • Submit validation requests

    • View reports, revoke certificates, and create profiles

    • Add users, view certificates, and download certificates

  • DigiCert will be unable to issue certificates for PKI Platform 8 and its corresponding API.

  • APIs will return a "cannot connect" error.

  • Certificate enrollments that receive "cannot connect" errors must be resubmitted after DigiCert restores services.

Service not affected:

Critical maintenance will not affect these services:

  • PKI Platform 7

  • DigiCert ONE

  • CertCentral / Service API

  • Direct Cert Portal / API

  • Certificate Issuing Service (CIS)

  • CertCentral Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)

  • QuoVadis TrustLink

  • Discovery / API

  • ACME

  • ACME agent automation / API

What can I do?

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule your high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues issues around the critical maintenance.

  • Expect interruptions if you use APIs and protocols for immediate certificate issuance and other automated tasks.

  • To get live maintenance updates, subscribe to the

    DigiCert Status page. This includes emails for when maintenance starts and when maintenance ends.

  • For critical and scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as we complete the maintenance.

March 17, 2021

CertCentral: New purchase order and invoice system

We are happy to announce that we are using a new purchase order and invoice system in CertCentral. We've made several changes to make it easier for you to manage your purchase orders and invoices.

The next time you sign in to CertCentral, you will see two new menu options under Finances: Pay Invoice and Purchase Orders and Invoices. Additionally, we now send all invoice emails from our new invoice system.

Pay invoices page

When you open the Pay invoice page, all invoices are preselected by default. You can choose to pay them all or select those you want to pay.


If you use divisions with separate funds, when you open the Pay invoice page, all invoices for the top-level division are selected by default. Use the For dropdown to view the unpaid invoices by division in your account.

Purchase orders and invoices page

On the new Purchase orders and invoices page, you can create a purchase order (PO). In the Purchaseorders table, you can view pending and rejected POs. After we approve a PO, it becomes an invoice and moves to the Invoices table.


If you use divisions with separate funds, when you open the Pay invoice page, all invoices for the top-level division are selected by default. Use the For dropdown to view the unpaid invoices by division in your account.

In the Invoices column of the Invoices table, you can see the invoice number and the PO from which we generated it. You can download a copy of the invoice or pay the invoice. When you click Pay invoice, we take you to the Pay invoice page to pay the invoice and make the funds available in your account.

Existing PO and Invoice migration
  • Autogenerated invoices

    When we migrated our billing system, we did not migrate your autogenerated invoices. At the end of March, we will autogenerate a new invoice for your total amount owed. However, you can make a payment on your account at any time on the Deposit Funds page (in the left main menu, go to Finances > Deposit Funds).

  • Invoices generated from approved purchase orders

    When we migrated your invoices to the new system, we gave them new invoice numbers. However, the associated purchase order number remains the same. If you have questions or trouble finding an invoice, please contact your account manager or DigiCert Accounts Receivable. Make sure to include your PO number and the original invoice number in the email.

CertCentral Services API: View balance enhancements

To help you track financial data in your API integrations, we updated the View balance endpoint to return the following data:

  • unpaid_invoice_balance

    Unpaid invoice balance

  • negative_balance_limit

    Amount the balance can go into the negative

  • used_credit_from_other_containers

    Amount owed by other divisions in the account (for accounts with separate division funds enabled)

  • total_available_funds

    Total funds available for future purchases

For more information, see the documentation for the View balance endpoint.

Example 6. Response
    "balance": "454.00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "unpaid_invoice_balance": "0.00",
    "negative_balance_limit": "2000.00",
    "used_credit_from_other_containers": "0.00",
    "total_available_funds": "2454.00"

March 12, 2021

CertCentral Services API: Auto-reissue support for Multi-year Plans

We are happy to announce that the CertCentral Services API now supports automatic certificate reissue requests (auto-reissue) for Multi-year Plans. The auto-reissue feature makes it easier to maintain SSL/TLS coverage on your Multi-year Plans.

You can enable auto-reissue for individual orders in your CertCentral account. When auto-reissue is enabled, we automatically create and submit a certificate reissue request 30 days before the most recently issued certificate on the order expires.

Enable auto-reissue for a new order

To give you control over the auto-reissue setting for new Multi-year Plans, we added a new request parameter to the endpoints for ordering DV, OV, and EV TLS/SSL certificates: auto_reissue.

By default, auto-reissue is disabled for all orders. To enable auto-reissue when you request a new Multi-year Plan, set the value of the auto_reissue parameter to 1 in the body of your request.

Example 7. Request body

    "auto_renew": 1,
    "auto_reissue": 1,


In new order requests, we ignore the auto_reissue parameter if:

  • The product does not support Multi-year Plans.

  • Multi-year Plans are disabled for the account.

Update auto-reissue setting for existing orders

To give you control over the auto-reissue setting for existing Multi-year Plans, we added a new endpoint: Update auto-reissue settings. Use this endpoint to enable or disable the auto-reissue setting for an order.

Get auto-reissue setting for an existing order

To help you track the auto-reissue setting for existing certificate orders, we added a new response parameter to the Order info endpoint: auto_reissue. The auto_reissue parameter returns the current auto-reissue setting for the order.

ICA certificate chain selection for public DV flex certificates

We are happy to announce that select public DV certificates now support Intermediate CA certificate chain selection:

  • GeoTrust DV SSL

  • Thawte SSL 123 DV

  • RapidSSL Standard DV

  • RapidSSL Wildcard DV

  • Encryption Everywhere DV

You can add a feature to your CertCentral account that enables you to control which DigiCert ICA certificate chain issues the end-entity certificate when you order these public DV products.

This feature allows you to:

  • Set the default ICA certificate chain for each supported public DV certificate.

  • Control which ICA certificate chains certificate requestors can use to issue their DV certificate.

Configure ICA certificate chain selection

To enable ICA selection for your account:

  1. Contact your account manager or our Support team.

  2. Then, in your CertCentral account, in the left main menu, go to Settings > Product Settings.

  3. On the Product Settings page, configure the default and allowed intermediates for each supported and available DV certificate.

For more information and step-by-step instructions, see the Configure the ICA certificate chain feature for your public TLS certificates.

DigiCert Services API: DV certificate support for ICA certificate chain selection

In the DigiCert Services API, we made the following updates to support ICA selection in your DV certificate order requests:

  • Updated the Product list endpoint

    After adding the ICA certificate selection chain feature to your account, the Product list endpoint returns each ICA certificate's name and ID available to issue end-entity certificates for the supported DV products (see allowed_ca_certs).

  • Updated the Product limits endpoint

    After you configure the allowed and default ICA certificates for a DV product, the Product limits endpoint returns the default issuing ICA (default_intermediate ) and allowed issuing ICAs (allowed_intermediates) that certificate requestor with a given container and user role assignment can select.

  • Updated the Product info endpoint

    The Product list endpoint now returns the name, ID, and certificate chain information for the issuing ICAs you can select when you request a given product (see allowed_ca_certs).

  • Added support for ICA chain selection to these DV certificate order requests:

Pass in the issuing ICA certificate's ID as the value for the ca_cert_id parameter in your order request's body.

Example 8. DV certificate request
    "certificate": {...},
    "order_validity": {
        "years": 6
    "ca_cert_id": "DF3689F672CCB90C"

For more information about using ICA selection in your API integrations, see DV certificate lifecycle – Optional ICA selection.

March 06, 2021

Upcoming scheduled maintenance

On March 6, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MST (March 7, 2021, between 05:00 – 07:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance.

Although we have redundancies in place to protect your service, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time.

What can you do?

Please plan accordingly.

  • Schedule your high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues around the maintenance window.

  • To get live maintenance updates, subscribe to the DigiCert Status page. The subscription includes emails to let you know when maintenance starts and ends.

  • For scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as the maintenance is completed.

February 24, 2021

CertCentral: Improved Organizations search on Orders page

To make it easier to find the certificates ordered for a specific organization in your account, we updated the Organizations search on the Orders page.

We now display three new pieces of information about each organization. This information is helpful when you have organizations with similar or identical names:

  • Assumed name (if used)

  • Organization ID

  • Address

See for yourself

In the left main menu, go to Certificates > Orders. On the Orders page, expand Show advanced search. In the Organizations dropdown, search for an organization. You will now see the following organization information: name, assumed name (if used), organization ID, and address.


You can also type the organization name.

CertCentral: Improved Order details page

To make it easier to identify the organization a certificate was ordered for in your account, we updated the Organization section on the Order details page.

We now display two new pieces of information about each organization:

  • Assumed name (if used)

  • Organization ID

See for yourself

In the left main menu, go to Certificates > Orders. On the Orders page, click the certificate's order number. On the Order details page, in the Organization section, you will now see the organization name, organization ID, and assumed name, if used.

CertCentral: Improved organization option on New Domain page

To make it easier to associate a new domain with an organization in your account, we updated the Organization option on the New Domain page.

We now display three new pieces of information about each organization. This information is helpful when you have organizations with similar or identical names:

  • Assumed name (if used)

  • Organization ID

  • Address

We also added the ability to type the name of the organization you are searching for.

See for yourself

In the left main menu, go to Certificates > Domains. On the Domains page, click New Domain. On the New Domain page, in the Organization dropdown, search for an organization. You will now see the following organization information: name, assumed name (if used), and organization ID. You can also type the organization name.

For more information about managing domains in CertCentral, see Manage domains.

CertCentral: Improved Specified organizations option on New and Edit Division pages

To make it easier to specify the organizations a division can order certificates for in your account, we updated the Specific organizations option on the New Division and Edit Division pages.

We now display three new pieces of information about each organization. This information is helpful when you have organizations with similar or identical names:

  • Assumed name (if used)

  • Organization ID

  • Address

We also added the ability to type the name of the organization you are searching for.

See for yourself

In the left main menu, go to Account > Divisions. On the Divisions page, click New Division. On the New Division page under Certificates can be ordered for, select Specific organizations. When you search for an organization in the dropdown, you will see the following organization information: name, assumed name (if used), organization ID, and address. You can also type the organization name.

For more information about divisions in CertCentral, see Division management.

CertCentral: Improved add organization option on client certificate request forms

To make it easier to order a client certificate for an organization in your account, we updated the Organization option in the client certificate request forms.

We now display three new pieces of information about each organization. This information is helpful when you have organizations with similar or identical names:

  • Assumed name (if used)

  • Organization ID

  • Address

We also added the ability to type the name of the organization you are searching for.

See for yourself

The next time you request a client certificate, click Organization. In the Organization dropdown, you will see the following organization information: name, assumed name (if used), ID, and address. You can also type the organization name.

February 19, 2021

CertCentral Services API: New subaccount endpoints

To make it easier to manage your subaccounts, we added two new endpoints to the CertCentral Services API:

February 17, 2021

CertCentral Services API: Improved Create subaccount endpoint

To give you more control over your subaccounts, we added two new request parameters to the Create subaccount endpoint: child_name and max_allowed_multi_year_plan_length.

CertCentral Services API: Improved Create subaccount endpoint

  • child_name – Use this parameter to set a custom display name for the subaccount.

  • max_allowed_multi_year_plan_length – Use this parameter to customize the maximum length of Multi-year Plan orders for the subaccount.

Example 9. JSON request
    "account_type": "reseller",
    "user": {...},
    "organization": {...},
    "child_name": "Custom Name",
    "max_allowed_multi_year_plan_length": 4

After creating a subaccount, use the Subaccount info endpoint to view a subaccount's "display" name and allowed Multi-year Plan order length.

February 16, 2021

PKI Platform 8 Partner Lab Critical Maintenance

On February 16, 2021, between 18:00 – 22:00 MST (February 17, 2021, between 01:00 – 05:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform critical maintenance on the PKI Platform 8 Partner Lab.

How does this affect me?

For approximately four hours,

  • You will be unable to access the Partner Lab and its corresponding API.

  • You will be unable to submit certificate requests.

  • You will be unable to access the DigiCert PKI Platform 8 portals through Partner Lab.

  • DigiCert will be unable to issue test certificates for Partner Lab via the API.

This does not affect
  • PKI Platform 8 – Production

  • PKI Platform 7

  • DigiCert ONE

What can I do?

Plan accordingly.

  • Schedule your Partner Lab testing around the critical maintenance, including ordering, renewing, and reissuing test certificates.

  • Expect interruptions if you use the Partner Lab API for testing immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks.

  • For critical and scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as we complete the maintenance.

February 15, 2021

DigiCert ending support for Intel vPro and KDC/SmartCardLogon EKUs in publicly trusted TLS/SSL certificates

On February 15, 2021, DigiCert will no longer issue public TLS/SSL certificates that include these EKUs

  • Intel vPro EKU

  • KDC/SmartCardLogon EKU

This means, as of February 15, 2021, we will no longer issue public TLS/SSL certificates that include either of these EKUs.

How does this affect me?

For most customers, this change will go unnoticed. It does not affect your TLS/SSL certificates or your TLS/SSL certificate process.

Note: By default, DigiCert does not issue public TLS/SSL certificates with the Intel vPro EKU or the KDC/SmartCardLogon EKU. To use these EKUs, we must first enable special certificate profiles for your account.

What if I use the Intel vPro EKU or the KDC/SmartCardLogon EKU in my public TLS/SSL certificates?

First, this change does not affect your existing public TLS/SSL certificates that include these EKUs. These certificates will continue to work as they always have until they expire.

However, on February 15, 2021, we will remove the Intel vPro EKU and KDC/SmartCardLogon EKU certificate profile options from all accounts. DigiCert will no longer issue new public TLS/SSL certificate orders the include these EKUs, including renewals, reissues, and duplicates.

Why is DigiCert doing this?

Industry standards specify that certificate authorities (CAs) should not include the Intel vPro and KDC/SmartCardLogon EKUS in public TLS/SSL certificates.

Therefore, to align with industry standards, we must stop including the Intel vPro and KDC/SmartCardLogon EKUS in our public TLS/SSL certificates.

More importantly, industry standards state that CAs should only include the serverAuth and, optionally, the clientAuth EKUs in public TLS certificates. See f. extKeyUsage (required) in section Subscriber Certificate of the

Baseline Requirements.

As of February 15, 2021, we will only include the serverAuth EKU and, as needed, the clientAuth EKU in our public TLS/SSL certificates.

February 08, 2021

PKI Platform 8 Partner Lab Critical Maintenance

On February 8, 2021, between 18:00 – 24:00 MST (February 9, 2021, between 01:00 – 07:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform critical maintenance on the PKI Platform 8 Partner Labs.

How does this affect me?
  • You will be unable to access the Partner Lab and its corresponding API.

  • You will be unable to submit certificate requests or access any of the DigiCert PKI Platform 8 portals through Partner Lab.

  • DigiCert will be unable to issue test certificates for the Partner Lab platform via any API.

For approximately six hours,

This does not affect
  • PKI Platform 8 – Production

  • PKI Platform 7

  • DigiCert ONE

What can I do

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule your Partner Lab testing around the critical maintenance, including ordering, renewing, and reissuing test certificates.

  • Expect interruptions if you use the Partner Lab API for testing immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks.

  • For critical and scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as we complete the maintenance.

February 06, 2021

Upcoming scheduled maintenance

On February 6, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MST (February 7, 2021, between 05:00 – 07:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform critical maintenance.

During maintenance, the services listed below will be down approximately 60 minutes. However, due to the scope of work happening, there may be additional service interruptions during the two-hour maintenance window.

You will be unable to sign in to these platforms and access these services and APIs:

  • CertCentral / Service API

  • Direct Cert Portal / Direct Cert Portal API

  • Certificate Issuing Service (CIS)

  • Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)

  • Discovery / API

  • ACME

  • ACME agent automation / API

DigiCert will be unable to issue certificates for these services and APIs:

  • CertCentral / Services API

  • Direct Cert Portal / Direct Cert Portal API

  • Certificate Issuing Service (CIS)

  • Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)

  • Complete Website Security (CWS) / API

  • Managed PKI for SSL (MSSL) / API

  • QV Trust Link

These services will not be affected by the maintenance activities:

  • PKI Platform 8

  • PKI Platform 7

  • DigiCert ONE managers


API note:

  • Services to process certificate-related transactions will be unavailable, such as, requesting certificates, adding domains, and validation requests.

  • APIs will return “cannot connect” errors.

  • Certificate requests placed during this window that receive a "cannot connect" error message will need to be placed again after services are restored.

What can I do?

Plan accordingly:

  • Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, and reissues around the maintenance window.

  • Expect interruptions if you use APIs for immediate certificate issuance and automated tasks.

  • Subscribe to the DigiCert Status page to get live updates, .

  • See the DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance for scheduled maintenance dates and times.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as the maintenance is completed.

February 05, 2021

CertCentral: Improved Organizations page

To make it easier to find your organizations on the Organization page, we now display three new pieces of information about each organization. This additional information is helpful when you have organizations with similar or identical names:

  • ID

  • Assumed name (if used)

  • Address

On the Organizations page, you will now see an Org # column with the organization's ID. You will also see the organization addresses displayed below the names. And, if you use the organization's assumed name, you will see it in parentheses next to the organization name.


Previously, the only way to view this information was to click the organization name and open the organization's details page.

For more information about organizations in CertCentral, see Manage organizations.

CertCentral: Improved add organization option on OV/EV certificate request forms

To make it easier to order a TLS/SSL certificate for an organization in your account, we updated the Add organization option in the OV and EV certificate request forms.

For accounts that issue certificates for 10 or more organizations, we now display three new pieces of organization information. This information is helpful when you have organizations with similar or identical names:

  • Assumed name (if used)

  • Organization ID

  • Address

We also added the ability to type the name of the organization you are searching for.

See for yourself

The next time you request an OV or EV TLS/SSL certificate, click Add organization. In the Organization dropdown, you will see the following organization information: name, assumed name (if used), ID, and address. You can also type the organization name.

January 29, 2021

CertCentral Orders page: New search options

On the Orders page, we added two new search options:

  • Certificate serial number

  • Additional email addresses*

The next time you search for an order, use the certificate's serial number or an additional email address to locate the certificate order.


* When requesting a certificate or after submitting the request, you can add email addresses to a certificate order. This allows others to receive the certificate notification emails for the order, such as the certificate issued email.

To use the new search filters

  1. In the left main menu, go to Certificates > Orders.

  2. On the Orders page, in the Search box, enter a certificate's serial number or an additional email address on the order.

  3. Click Go.

January 25, 2021

CertCentral Services API: Improved Domain emails endpoint

To make it easier to find the DNS TXT email addresses that receive validation emails from DigiCert for email-based domain control validation (DCV), we added a new response parameter to the Domain emails endpoint: dns_txt_emails.

The dns_txt_emails parameter returns a list of email addresses found in the DNS TXT record for the domain. These are the email addresses we find in the DNS TXT record on the _validation-contactemail subdomain of the domain being validated.

Example 10. Response with new parameter
  "name_scope": "",
  "base_emails": [
  "whois_emails": [
  "dns_txt_emails": [

To learn more about the newly supported email to DNS TXT contact DCV method:

For information about validating the domains on DV certificate orders:

For information about validating the domains on OV/EV certificate orders:

January 20, 2021

CertCentral Services API: New Unit order details and Cancel unit order endpoints

We are happy to announce we added two new endpoints to the CertCentral Services API: Unit order details and Cancel unit order.

These endpoints allow you to get information about a unit order and to cancel a unit order.

Canceling unit orders:

  • You can only cancel an order within thirty days of placing it.

  • You cannot cancel a unit order if the subaccount on the order has spent any of the units.

If you manage a subaccount that uses units as its payment method, you can now use the Services API to do the following tasks:

CertCentral Services API: Improved Product list, Product limits, and Product info endpoints

To make it easier to find the available order validity periods for the digital certificate products in your account, we added new response parameters to the Product list, Product limits, and Product info endpoints.

These new response parameters allow you to view the default and customized order validity limits for each product in your account.

Product list endpoint

The allowed_order_validity_years parameter returns a list of the supported order validity periods for each product in your account.

Product limits endpoint

The allowed_order_lifetimes parameter returns a list of the customized order validity limits for users with different division and user role assignments in your account.

Product info endpoint

  • The allowed_order_validity_years parameter returns a list of the order validity periods that are available when you request the certificate product.

  • The custom_order_expiration_date_allowed parameter returns a boolean value that describes whether you can set a custom order expiration date when you request the certificate product.

CertCentral Services API: Improved Subaccount order info endpoint

To make it easier to find information about the validity periods for subaccount orders, we added new response parameters to the Subaccount order info endpoint. These new response parameters allow you to see the order start date, the order end date, and whether the order is a Multi-year Plan.

  • The is_multi_year_plan parameter returns "1" if the order is a Multi-year Plan.

  • The order_valid_from parameter returns the start date of the order validity period.

  • The order_valid_till parameter returns the end date of the order validity period.

Example 11. Response with new parameters
    "date created": "2020-10-14T15:18:50+00:00",
    "date issued": "2020-10-14T15:18:52+00:00"
    "is multi year plan": "1",
    "order valid from": "2020-10-14"
    "order valid till": "2021-10-19"
    "validity years": 1

January 09, 2021

Upcoming scheduled maintenance

On January 9, 2021, between 22:00 – 24:00 MST (January 10, 2021, between 05:00 – 07:00 UTC), DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance.

Although we have redundancies in place to protect your service, some DigiCert services may be unavailable during this time.

What can you do?

Please plan accordingly.

  • Schedule high-priority orders, renewals, reissues, and duplicate issues outside of the maintenance window.

  • To get live updates, subscribe to the DigiCert Status page.

  • For scheduled maintenance dates and times, see DigiCert 2021 scheduled maintenance.DigiCert 2021 maintenance schedule

Services will be restored as soon as maintenance is completed.

January 13, 2021

CertCentral: Email to DNS TXT contact DCV method

We are happy to announce that DigiCert now supports sending an email to a DNS TXT contact for email-based domain control validation (DCV). This means you can add email addresses to the DNS TXT record for your domain. DigiCert automatically searches the DNS TXT records and sends the DCV email to those addresses. An email recipient needs to follow the instructions in the email to demonstrate control over the domain.


Previously, DigiCert only sent DCV emails to WHOIS-based and constructed email addresses.

Industry changes

Contact information is becoming increasingly inaccessible in WHOIS records due to privacy policies and other constraints. With the passing of Ballot SC13, the Certificate Authority/Browser (CA/B) forum added Email to DNS TXT contact to the list of supported DCV methods.

DNS TXT record email contacts

To use email to Email to DNS TXT contact DCV method, you must place the DNS TXT record on the _validation-contactemail subdomain of the domain you want to validate. DigiCert automatically searches WHOIS and DNS TXT records and sends the DCV email to the addresses found in those records. | Default |

The RDATA value of this text record must be a valid email address. See section B.2.1 DNS TXT Record Email Contact in the Appendix of the baseline requirements.

For more information about Ballot SC13, the CA/Browser Forum, and the email to DNS TXT contact DCV method:

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