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Update a user

After adding a user to DigiCert ONE, you can update these details:

  • Permissions: ensure they can only see and do what is necessary to complete their tasks

  • Information: update name, email address, username, and phone number as needed

  • Accounts: ensure they only have access to the accounts needed

Update user

  1. In DigiCert ONE, in the Manager menu (top right), select Account.

  2. In the Account Manager menu, select Access > Users.

  3. On the Users page, in the First name column, select the user's name.

  4. On the User details page, select the update icon (pencil).

  5. Update user details as needed: name, email address, username, and phone number.

  6. Add or remove accounts that this user has access to.


    The user's primary account cannot be removed.

  7. Add or remove DigiCert ONE Managers that the user has access to.

  8. Select Next.

  9. Update the user roles for each Manager the user is assigned to.

  10. Select Update user.