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Sign JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with

This article covers how to sign a JSON Web Token (JWT) using Alternatively, you can sign JWT using Java code.

Create header and payload

What is the header?

The cryptographic operations in the header define whether the JWT is signed or encrypted and what algorithm techniques to use.

Header sample: 

{ "alg": "RS256", "typ": "JWT" }

What is the payload?

The payload generally contains user information. No claims are mandatory in a payload, but you can include as many claims as you want.

Payload sample

{ "sub": "1234567890", "name": "John Doe", "admin": true, "iat": 1516239022 }

To create the Base64URLEncode Header and Payload:

  1. Access debugger.

  2. Input the algorithm and token type into the Header section. You can also add additional claims.

  3. Enter the user information into the Payload section:


Base64URLEncode header output sample: 


Base64URLEncode payload output sample:



The debugger UI generates the Base64URLEncode token formatted as Header.Payload

Create header and payload hash

Use the Base64URLEncode header and payload you have just created to create the hash in OpenSSL or CertUtil.

For this example, we will Hash (Y) with - SHA256 (RS256) (SHA256WithRSA) in OpenSSL or CertUtil.

Header and payload hash format:

(Y) = Header.Payload Create Base64 Hash of (Y). Base64URLEncode(RSASHA256(Y))

OpenSSL example

Openssl dgst -sha256 “C:\path_to_file”

CertUtil example

Certutil -hashfile “C:\path_to_file” SHA256


The hash is in hex format. Before you can sign the hash with DigiCert​​®​​ Software Trust Manager , you need to convert the hash from hex format to Base64.

Use Base64.Guru Base64.Guru to convert hex to Base64:

Sha256 hash output sample


Base64 output sample


Sign Header and Payload hash using REST API

The example below demonstrates signing the Base64 hash using REST API via Postman client.

A detailed list of features and parameters for this API can be found here.

Base64 signed hash sample: AxE9qm4aTZiXvA2G8sblAxjeLhomy7lTQpcPCV6q/7asKyegL3305BcV/EUF950yOeJQqMBplzhP+pAKCiGS0oFLXjNZvUsifCpQCqJfRKFyxpnD8agtbB9UZLEhSEET3lKPSF1Y0Sqbcz1SkFafV0PZ9Hi3HepUtjXQ8zLUxMt+3cBnK9a5I4gc32fq9Pkgt+3Ysnw02SIzdiCyoQGiDDJA9CtJ3RNY1DnOEL6qB4PzwQSrHz8hyXdlotpHQ1Izgms8Sv62w3VKQJBRjnRLNVhszO4tg3YsvXpINEkL4KCKLOCDwLT1Y+Tj8LANn2fbU5XeuDGa43k1bwNXmDH78w==


The signature above is in Base64 format. Convert the signature to Base64URL format to verify the signature in debugger.

What is the main difference between Base64 vs Base64URL?

Base64 contains the characters +, /, and =, which have a reserved meaning in some filesystem names and URLs. Base64url solves this by replacing + with - and / with _. The trailing padding character = can be eliminated when it is not required.

Create JWT token

Insert your Base64 signed hash you have just created into to convert the signature to Base64URL.

Base64URL signed hash sample:


JWT token

We now have all three components in the correct format to complete the JWT token.

JWT format:

JSON Web Tokens consists of three parts separated by dots ( . )


Y = Base64URLEncode(header) + ‘.’ + Base64URLEncode(payload) JWT token = Y + ‘.’ + Base64URLEncode(RSASHA256(Y))

JWT sample:

eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiYWRtaW4iOnRydWUsImlhdCI6MTUxNjIzOTAyMn0. AxE9qm4aTZiXvA2G8sblAxjeLhomy7lTQpcPCV6q_7asKyegL3305BcV_EUF950yOeJQqMBplzhP-pAKCiGS0oFLXjNZvUsifCpQCqJfRKFyxpnD8agtbB9UZLEhSEET3lKPSF1Y0Sqbcz1SkFafV0PZ9Hi3HepUtjXQ8zLUxMt-3cBnK9a5I4gc32fq9Pkgt-3Ysnw02SIzdiCyoQGiDDJA9CtJ3RNY1DnOEL6qB4PzwQSrHz8hyXdlotpHQ1Izgms8Sv62w3VKQJBRjnRLNVhszO4tg3YsvXpINEkL4KCKLOCDwLT1Y-Tj8LANn2fbU5XeuDGa43k1bwNXmDH78w

Verify JWT

  1. Download the public key for the keypair you have used to sign the hash from DigiCert​​®​​ Software Trust Manager .

  2. Access debugger.

  3. Paste your JWT token into the Encoded box.

  4. Paste the public key into the Verify Signature box. The signed JWT's signature will be verified if all steps have been completed correctly.

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