The "create seat" function creates a seat record in one of your business units and configures its basic properties. Once created, you can enroll a certificate against the seat record. A seat license is not consumed until the seat record has a valid certificate associated with it.
For most certificate enrollment types, we create the corresponding seat records for you. You are only strictly required to create seats beforehand to use enrollment codes for authentication1. You may also opt to create seats beforehand to exert more control over the seat creation process.
After creating a seat record, you can use the enroll seat function to enroll a new certificate against that seat from a certificate profile with the Enrollment Code
authentication method.
Make sure you understand the various seat types and seat management functions and when they're used.
작은 정보
Use your account dashboard to monitor and launch pre-filtered views of the seat records created in your account by business unit and seat type.
From the main menu, select Account > Seats.
Select Create.
Fill in the required fields. These vary by seat type.
Business unit: The business unit to create the seat in.
Seat type: The type of seat to create in the business unit. Select Organization, Certificate management, Device, Server, or User.
Seat ID: A unique identifier for the seat, like a username or serial number. The identifier must be unique within each business unit and for each seat type.
Seat name: The name you want to assign to the seat (for example, the name of a person or device, or of the business function for which the seat is used).
Email: Assign an email address to the seat (optional).
Phone: Assign a phone number to a User seat (optional).
Select Create seat. If there are applicable certificate profiles for "enrollment code" authentication, you are given the option to enroll the seat now or do it later. To learn about the enroll seat function, see enroll seats.
To create multiple seats at once from a CSV file:
From the main menu, select Account > Seats.
Select Manage seats in bulk.
Select the Seat type you want to create: Organization, Certificate management, Device, Server, or User. You can only bulk create one type of seat at a time.
For the Operation, select "Create/Update seats".
Optionally check the box below this to enroll the seats after they're created using the "enrollment code" authentication method.
With this checked, you are prompted to select an option for generating enrollment codes, and a certificate profile to use. To learn more, see enrollments.
To enroll the seats later, leave this unchecked.
Upload the CSV file that contains the data for the seats to create. List each seat on its own line in the file. The data format depends on whether you enroll the seats now or later.
If enrolling later, list each seat in this format:
For example:
If enrolling now with system-generated enrollment codes, list each seat in this format:
For example:
If enrolling now and providing your own enrollment codes, list each seat in this format:
For example:
In the Operation field, select Create/Update seats to complete the operation.
1. Certificate profiles for SCEP enrollment that use the "Global enrollment code" option do not require seats to be created beforehand. For all other enrollments using enrollment codes for authentication, you must create the seat record first and then use the enroll seat function to generate the enrollment code.