Add a value added or goods and services tax number to your CertCentral account
You can add a value added tax (VAT) or goods and services tax (GST) number to your account to include it in all transactions, such as purchasing a certificate or depositing funds. DigiCert will append the VAT or GST number supplied as a reference on payment records. Remember that your orders may include unexpected taxes if you do not provide your VAT or GST number.
DigiCert USA and DigiCert Japan billing entities do not support VAT or GST numbers. If the billing entity for your account is DigiCert, Inc (US) or DigiCert Japan G.K. (Japan), you cannot add a VAT or GST number to your account. Contact your account manager to learn more about your account’s billing entity.
DigiCert's inclusion of VAT or GST numbers
DigiCert does not validate the VAT or GST numbers and is not responsible for inaccurate information provided by customers. See DigiCert’s Master Service Agreement.
Add a VAT or GST number
In CertCentral, in the left main menu, go to Finance > Settings.
On the Finance Settings page, under Payment settings, in the VAT/GST identification number (optional) box, add your VAT or GST number.
Then select Save Settings.
What’s next
The next time you request a certificate or need to deposit funds, you can add the account VAT or GST to your transaction after checking Assign VAT/GST. When creating a purchase order, you must manually add the VAT or GST number to the form.