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View inventory

The Inventory page in DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager functions as a centralized "book of records" where you can go to view and manage all your certificates and IP/port targets:

  • From the main menu, select Inventory.

  • Select Load view from the dropdown menu at top to display all certificates or load a preset system or saved custom view.

  • Further filter the certificates by selecting the filter icons in the column headers. Multiple filters can be applied.

  • Customize the table columns by selecting the table settings icon at the right side of the table header. There are many available fields reflecting different certificate properties, install locations, and DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager features.

  • Select Manage view from the dropdown menu at top to save the current view as a new custom view. Once saved, the custom view can be retrieved at any time via the Load view function.

  • Also use the Manage view menu option to set the current view as the default view when you first launch the Inventory page.

  • Select a certificate's common name to view additional details for that certificate.

작은 정보

Use your account dashboard to monitor and launch pre-filtered views of expiring certificates, certificates set for auto-renewal, or certificates having automation issues.

System views

DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager provides preset system views of your certificates. Use these to select different certificate types and as the starting point for creating your own custom certificate views.

Each system view includes a different set of certificates and displays different columns of information by default. Use the Load view option in the top dropdown menu to load any of these system views:

System view


All Certificate

All known certificates, irrespective of issuer or source.


All certificates not issued from this account. For example, discovered or imported certificates.

Managed automation

All TLS certificates under lifecycle management or unmanaged certificates that are available for lifecycle management.


All discovered IP addresses and ports that do not currently have a certificate on them or have certificate discovery errors.

Custom views

Update the current view with columns and filters to create custom views of your certificates:

  • From the table settings menu on the top right, select Add columns to choose the columns to include in the table.

  • Also from the table settings menu, select Additional filters to enter all your filter criteria at once.

  • Alternatively, use the filter icons next to the column headers to apply a filter for each individual table column.

When you're happy with your updates, save them as a custom view so you can quickly retrieve them again:

  • From the top dropdown menu, Manage view option:

    • Select Save as new view to save the current view as a new custom view. Enter a name for this custom view and select Save view.

    • Select Set as default to make this view the default view that you see when you first launch the Inventory page.

  • Once saved, use the Load view option in the dropdown menu to load your new custom view at any time.