The Inventory page in DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager functions as a centralized book of records where you can view and manage all your certificates, keys, and endpoints in one place, regardless of source.
The Inventory page comes equipped with preset system views and allows you to apply filters and customize the display to create and save your own custom views.
To load one of the preset system views of your inventory in Trust Lifecycle Manager:
From the main menu, select Inventory.
Open the dropdown menu above the inventory table and select one of the following System views.
System view | Description |
Unique certificates (default) | All unique certificates in your account, identified by their thumbprint, regardless of the number of locations where they are installed or appear. This is the default view when you first access the Inventory page. |
All certificates | All known certificates, regardless of issuer or source. |
Certificates expiring in 30 days | All known certificates, regardless of issuer or source, with an expiration date in the next 30 days. |
Discovery | All certificates issued outside of your account and discovered or imported into Trust Lifecycle Manager. |
Managed Automation | All certificates currently under management or available to be placed under management by Trust Lifecycle Manager's certificate lifecycle automation tools. |
Unsecured | All discovered IP/port endpoints that do not currently have a certificate installed on them or that have certificate discovery errors. |
Keys | All cryptographic keys discovered through system scans. |
After loading an inventory view, apply filters to further refine which records are included.
To apply a filter:
Select the filter icon next to any of the current table headers to filter by that field.
Use the filter input to select or enter a value to filter by. Input types include:
Text input: Enter a single value or comma-separated list of values.
Dropdown: Select a value. Some dropdowns have checkboxes so you can select multiple values.
Calendar: Select a date.
To apply multiple filters at once:
Select the Additional filters and columns icon on the top-right of the inventory table.
Select the Additional filters option.
Enter selections for one or more filters to apply those filters. When you're done, select the "X" button on the top-right of the filters overlay to close it. If you can't see the "X" button, select the right-arrow button on the right sidebar to hide it.
작은 정보
Your account dashboard includes shortcuts that launch pre-filtered inventory views of certificates with different expiration dates, issuing CA vendors, statuses, security ratings, and similar criteria.
To add or remove fields from the inventory table, update the table columns:
Select the Additional filters and columns icon on the top-right of the inventory table.
Select the Add columns option.
Select columns to include, or deselect columns to exclude. Your updates get applied immediately. When you're done, select anywhere outside of the Add columns menu to hide it.
When you modify the inventory table by applying filters or customizing the table columns, you can save your updates as a custom view. You can then launch that saved view at any time by opening the dropdown menu above the inventory table and selecting it under My views.
To save the current inventory table settings and filters as a custom view:
Select Manage view from the sidebar on the right. If the sidebar is not visible, select the left-arrow button on the sidebar to open it.
In the Manage view sidebar, open the Current view actions tab and select the action to Save as new view.
Give the view a nickname.
(optional) Select the checkbox if you want to make this the default view when you first launch the Inventory page.
Select the Save button to save the custom view.
작은 정보
When you make changes to the current inventory table, Trust Lifecycle Manager shows a green dot indicator on the sidebar on the right. This signals that you have customized the table, but have not yet saved your changes as a custom view.
To display your saved custom inventory views in Trust Lifecycle Manager:
From the main menu, select Inventory.
Open the dropdown menu above the inventory table and select one of the saved views under My views.
To manage your saved custom views:
Select Manage view from the sidebar on the right. If the sidebar is not visible, select the left-arrow button on the sidebar to open it.
In the Manage view sidebar, open the My custom views tab.
Find the custom view by name in the list, and select one of the following icons to manage it:
Disk icon: Update the custom view to use the settings and filters from the current inventory table in Trust Lifecycle Manager.
Pin icon: Mark the custom view as the default view to load when you first launch the Inventory page.
Trash icon: Delete the custom view.
Use the inventory management functions to manage your digital trust assets directly from the Inventory page.
Select a certificate in the inventory table by its common name to see more details about and manage that certificate.
Use the Reporting function in the sidebar on the right to download a CSV file or create a custom report from the current inventory table. You need report administrator permissions to use these features. To learn more, see Report library (advanced custom reporting).