Depending on your threat detection service tiers, some features may not be available. To learn what features are included in your service tier, see Software binary analysis (SBA) features.
Use DigiCert® Software Trust Manager 's threat detection (powered by ReversingLabs) to scan your software for malware, vulnerabilities, secrets, and more before publicly releasing your software.
Review supported file types for threat detection scanning with ReversingLabs.
Signing Manager Controller (SMCTL) (version 1.37.0 or higher)
ReversingLabs scanning tool (rl-deploy)
rl-deploy is compatible with:
Windows (all Microsoft-supported versions), 64-bit
Linux x86 (all major distributions), 64-bit
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ReversingLabs scanning tool (rl-deploy) is included in Software Trust Manager client tools.
To download rl-deploy:
Sign in to DigiCert ONE.
Select Manager menu (top right) > Software Trust.
Select Resources > Client tool repository.
Download the following installer, based on your operating system:
To install rl-deploy, run the following command in SMCTL:
smctl scan rl-install <new folder path to install>
If you have administrator privileges, then run this command in the Administrator Command Prompt:
smctl scan rl-install "C:\Program Files\DigiCert\DigiCert One Signing Manager Tools\rl"
If you do not want to give rl-deploy administrator privileges, then specify an installation location that does not require administrative privileges, such as:
smctl scan rl-install "C:\rl"
To set the path environment variable, locate the rl folder. This folder is typically located in the installation directory of the Static Binary Analysis scanning tool.
Newer versions of SMCTL for RL scans require an additional path environment variable to be set after installing the static binary analysis scanning tool. This action allows the tool to locate the necessary files in the rl folder.
Add the folder location to the path environment variable. You can either:
Set the user path to limit to the current user only
Set the system path to be available to all users on the system
Review the command output:
Downloading [==================================================] 100% [00m:07s] 187090012/187090012 bytes Unpacking package ... finished!
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