클라이언트 인증서 또는 OTP 앱 또는 장치 초기화
2단계 인증의 2번째 단계를 초기화
사용자가 클라이언트 인증서 또는 OTP 앱 또는 장치를 잃어버리는 경우 CertCentral 계정에서 이들의 인증서, OTP 앱 또는 장치를 초기화할 수 있습니다.
Reset the OTP app or verification email
When using a one-time password as your second form of user authentication, you can reset your OTP app or resend the OTP verification email. You don’t need your CertCentral account administrator to do it for you.
See How do I reset my one-time password (OTP) app or How do I resend my OTP verification email below.
OTP app or verification email locked out
However, if you incorrectly enter the passcode too many times, you will get locked out of your account. When this happens, only a CertCentral account administrator can reset your OTP app or verification email.
See How do I reset my one-time password (OTP) when locked out of my account below.
You cannot reset your client certificate when using client certificates as your second form of user authentication. Only a CertCentral account administrator can regenerate a client certificate.
See How do I regenerate my client certificate below.
클라이언트 인증서, OTP 앱 또는 장치 초기화
Need to reset your OTP because you switched mobile phones or deleted or lost your OTP app?
You don’t need a CertCentral administrator to do it for you. When signing in to your account, you can reset your OTP app.
CertCentral 계정의 왼쪽 메인 메뉴에서 설정 > 인증 설정으로 이동합니다.
인증 설정 페이지의 2단계 인증 섹션에서 필요에 따라 인증서 및 장치를 초기화합니다.
CertCentral sends an email with a link and instructions for resetting your OTP device.
The email subject is Your DigiCert OTP Device Reset Request.
The email is sent to the email address in your CertCentral Profile Settings.
Follow the link to the Reset your OTP device page.
Enter the answer to your security question and select Continue.
On the One-time password (OTP) device initialization page, do the following:
Under Install an authentication application, in the application dropdown, select a DigiCert-tested OTP app.
Open your OTP app.
Under Scan QR code or enter setup key, use your app to scan the QR code or enter the key in your app.
Under Enter verification code, enter the one-time passcode from the application.
When ready, select Verify device.
You should now be in your CertCentral account.
To access your CertCentral account, use your OTP app to complete the two-factor authentication process.
How do I resend my OTP verification email?
Need to reset your OTP because you can’t find the verification email?
You don’t need a CertCentral administrator to do it for you. When signing in to your account, you can resend the OTP verification email.
Go to the CertCentral Sign in to your account page, enter your username and password, and select Sign in.
You are taken to the One-time password (OTP) email verification page, and CertCentral sends you an email with the subject Your one-time password for authentication into CertCentral.
If you don’t see the email in your inbox, check your junk/spam mail folder.
If you still can’t find the email, under the Submit button, select the Resend email link.
CertCentral sends a temporary password to the email address in your CertCentral account Profile Settings.
Open Your one-time password for authentication into CertCentral email.
In the One-time password (OTP) box, enter the temporary password from the email and select Submit.
You should now be in your CertCentral account.
To access your CertCentral account, use your OTP verification email to complete the two-factor authentication process.
How do I reset my one-time password (OTP) when locked out of my account?
When you get locked out of your account because of too many failed passcode entries, only your CertCentral account administrator can reset your OTP app or verification email.
If you are a CertCentral administrator and don’t have another administrator who can reset your OTP app or verification email, contact DigiCert Support immediately so we can reset it.
Admin: Reset the one-time password for a locked-out CertCentral user
In your CertCentral account, in the left main menu, go to Settings > Authentication Settings.
On the Authentication Settings page, on the Two-factor Authentication tab, select One-Time Password (OTP) methods.
Locate the user whose OTP app needs to be reset and select Reset.
CertCentral sends the user an email with instructions and a link for resetting the OTP app.
The next time the user signs in to CertCentral, they can initialize their OTP app or use OTP email verification.
How do I regenerate my client certificate?
Only a CertCentral administrator can regenerate your client certificate. If you lose your client certificate, contact your CertCentral administrator immediately.
If you are a CertCentral administrator and don’t have another administrator who can regenerate your client certificate, contact DigiCert Support immediately so we can regenerate it.
Admin: Reset the client certificate for a CertCentral user
In your CertCentral account, in the left main menu, go to Settings > Authentication Settings.
On the Authentication Settings page, on the Two-factor authentication tab, select Issued client certificates.
Locate the user whose certificate needs to be reset and select Regenerate.
CertCentral sends the user an email with instructions and a link for generating a new client certificate.
The next time the user signs in to CertCentral, they must generate a new client certificate before accessing their account. See Generate your client certificate for two-factor authentication.