SSL/TSL 인증서 복제
모든 DigiCert 인증서에는 무제한 무료 복제본 발급이 포함됩니다. 보안을 높이고 여러 서버에 인증서를 설치하는 것을 쉽게 하려면 새 CSR을 생성하고 각 서버에 대해 복제 인증서를 만듭니다.
복제 인증서의 세부 정보는 원본 인증서와 완전히 동일합니다. 복제 인증서는 절대로 DigiCert가 인증서의 이전 사본을 철회할 필요가 없습니다.
Before you begin
Duplicate certificates require you to complete the domain and organization validation before requesting the certificate. Unlike the reissue process, the duplicate certificate process does not include a workflow for validating domains and organizations.
복제 인증서의 세부 정보는 원본 인증서와 완전히 동일합니다. 복제 인증서는 절대로 DigiCert가 인증서의 이전 사본을 철회할 필요가 없습니다.
Unfortunately, DV TLS/SSL certificates do not allow duplicates. This is because domain validation for a DV certificate request only applies to issuing that specific certificate. So, each time you request a DV TLS/SSL certificate, you must demonstrate control over the domains on that request.
To get a duplicate DV TLS/SSL certificate, reissue your certificate instead.
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복제 인증서를 받으려면 다음 단계를 따릅니다.
Generate CSR
To duplicate an SSL/TLS certificate, you must generate a new CSR. For more information about creating a CSR, see the Create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) knowledge base article.
Sign in to your account
CertCentral sign-in page.
Fill out the Request Duplicate form
In the left menu, go to Certificates > Orders.
On the Orders page, select the Order # of the certificate you want a duplicate of.
On the certificate's Order # details page, in the Certificate actionsdropdown, select Request duplicate.
Fill out the Request Duplicate certificate form, update the certificate details as needed, and submit the request.
Add your CSR
Upload or paste your CSR in the form.
Certificate validity
By default, a duplicate expiration date matches the certificate you are duplicating.
Next, to Certificate details, select the pencil (edit icon) to modify the validity date if needed.
Signature hash
In the dropdown, select a different signature hash if needed.
Server platform
In the dropdown, select the server platform on which you will install the certificate.
DigiCert issues the duplicate SSL/TLS certificate
Once approved, we issue and email the duplicate certificate to the certificate contact. You can also download the duplicate certificate from your account and specify the format. See Download a certificate from your account.
Install your duplicate SSL/TLS certificate
Install and configure the new certificate. For more information about installing your certificate, see our SSL Certificate Installation Instructions and Tutorials page.