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Create custom reports

Follow these steps to create custom reports about enrollments or certificates in your DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager account.

Step 1: Display the records

Start by displaying the records to include in the report:


  1. Select Enrollments in the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu to display your enrollment records.

  2. Use the column header filters as needed to refine the list of enrollments to include in the report.


  1. Select Inventory in the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu to display your certificate records.

  2. Use the dropdown menu at top to load a system view or one of your saved custom views.

  3. Use the column header filters as needed to refine the list of certificates to include in the report.

Step 2: Create the custom report

After displaying the records you're interested in, create the custom report for them:

  1. Access and select the Create custom report function:

    • From the Enrollments page: Select the download icon on the top-right of the enrollments table, then select Create custom report.

    • From the Inventory page: Select the Reports function in the sidebar to the right of the inventory table, then select Create custom report.

    Work through the report creation wizard as described below.

  2. On the General information screen, enter a Report name to identify this custom report.

  3. On the Columns selection screen:

    1. In the Columns section, select the columns of data to include in the report.

    2. In the Selected columns order section, verify the selected columns and make adjustments if needed:

      • Select "X" to remove any columns.

      • To reorder, first remove the columns here and then reselect them in the Columns section.

      • To sort the columns alphabetically, select the link to Sort alphabetically.

  4. On the Schedules and permissions screen:

    1. In the Schedule section, select when and how often to run the report:

      • Run once: Run the report one time as soon as you create it.

      • At specific date: Run the report one time on the date you select.

      • Weekly: Run the report on a recurring basis on one or more days of the week you select.

      • Monthly: Run the report on a recurring basis on one or more months and days you select.

    2. (Optional) In the Report Data selection, select a date range for which data to include in the report:

      • For recurring reports, you can include data in set ranges from up to one year before the report runs.

      • For one-time reports, you also have the option to specify a custom date range for which data to include.

      • If you do not make a selection here, the report will include all applicable data in your account regardless of date.

    3. Select Create custom report to finish saving the report.

What's next

  • If you selected Schedule > Run once, the report runs immediately. Otherwise, it will run on your selected schedule.

  • Select Reporting > Report library in the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu to check report status and view and manage the report.

  • The user who created the report receives an email notification with a direct link to download the report when ready.

  • Each custom report remains in the report library for 30 days. To prevent a report from expiring, use the report library management functions to run it again.

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