Scripts for signing using PKCS11 library on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Set up Software Trust Manager, client tools, and integrate them with OCI for automation into a CI/CD pipeline.
Linux operating system
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DevOps project
JDK installed on the agent
DigiCert® Software Trust Manager credentials
DigiCert® Software Trust Manager client tools
Client tools
DigiCert® Software Trust Manager clients can be downloaded in a package.
Download Client tools
Sign in to DigiCert ONE.
Navigate to DigiCert® Software Trust Manager > Resources > Client tool repository.
Select Linux.
Click the download icon next to DigiCert® Software Trust Manager clients.
Create PKCS11 configuration file
To create a configuration file with the path to this shared library:
Open an integrated development environment (IDE) or plain text editor.
Copy and paste the following text into the editor:
Save the file as pkcs11properties.cfg.
Move the pkcs11properties.cfg file to the same location as the PKCS11 library.
User authentication
Software Trust Manager enforces multifactor authentication for security. To access keypairs, certificates, and sign code, you need to set up two types of credentials: an API token and an authentication certificate.
Create an API token
The API token is an authentication method used to verify you as a user and your permissions assigned in DigiCert ONE. The API token provides the first factor authentication.
Follow these steps to generate an API token:
Sign in to DigiCert ONE.
Select the profile icon (top-right).
Select Admin Profile.
Scroll down to API Tokens.
Select Create API token.
The API token is only shown once, securely store the API key to use it later.
Create an authentication certificate
The client authentication certificate is an authentication method used to verify you as a user and your permissions assigned in DigiCert ONE. The client authentication certificate provides the second factor authentication.
Follow these steps to create a client authentication certificate:
Sign in to DigiCert ONE.
Select the profile icon (top-right).
Select Admin Profile.
Scroll down to Authentication certificates.
Select Create authentication certificate.
The client authentication certificate password shown after creating an client authentication certificate cannot be accessed again, download the certificate and securely store the password to use it later.
Integration with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Set certificate file in environment variables:
Identify your downloaded client authentication certificate.
Encode the file to base64. For encoding run command:
base64 <file_name>
In OCI add a new vault secret with:
Base64 encoded client authentication certificate.
Setup certificate file for signing using the following commands:
- type: Command timeoutInSeconds: 600 name: "Certificate-Setup" command: | touch Certificate_pkcs12.p12 echo "$SM_CLIENT_CERT_FILE_B64" > CERT_FILE.p12.b64 base64 -d CERT_FILE.p12.b64 > Certificate_pkcs12.p12
Environment variables setup for OCI
The OCI client tools require you to create an OCI Vault, Master encryption key, secrets to connect with Software Trust Manager. To integrate Software Trust Manager environment variables with OCI:
To create the OCI Vault:
Sign in to OCI Console.
Navigate to Identity > Security & Vault.
Click Create Vault.
To create the Master encryption key:
Under Resources in the left navigation bar, select the appropriate Compartment from the dropdown menu.
Select Master Encryption Keys from the left navigation bar.
Select Create Key.
To create secrets:
Under Resources in the left navigation bar, select Secrets.
Click the Create Secret.
Add the following Software Trust Manager environment variables as secrets:
Provide your API token.
The base64 encoded text of certificate downloaded from client authentication certificate setup.
Provide your client certificate password.
Provide your host environment.
Command to set environment variables:
env: vaultVariables: SM_HOST: ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1.iad.amaaaaaakc372dqaxe63v35kwhhcimfcoude5d4sbd2eaozuve555jhk4fwa SM_API_KEY: ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1.iad.amaaaaaakc372dqam7iepkmla7rrbg4o3uw6oj4ps5rn5yhrxjsnpiotq24a SM_CLIENT_CERT_PASSWORD: ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1.iad.amaaaaaakc372dqaudtlk2feyn55aqni2lli2qvygorke7tjj2z5oax32thq SM_CLIENT_CERT_FILE_BASE: ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1.iad.amaaaaaakc372dqan3tzwy46r4w2bulu7enizirgiw2mhp43jgxqrtlejqca variables: SM_CLIENT_CERT_FILE: /workspace/STM_Repo/Certificate_pkcs12.p12
Create certificate and keypair
You can create a test or production certificate. Certificate creation requires you to provide the certificate profile ID.
To retrieve the certificate profile ID:
Sign in to DigiCert ONE.
Select the Manager menu (top right) > Software Trust.
Navigate to: Certificates > Certificate profiles.
Click on the certificate profile alias that you want to use to generate the certificate with.
Note: The profile category must match the type of certificate you want to create.
Identify the Certificate profile ID field.
You are required to provide an alias for the keypair and certificate in the steps below, these inputs must be unique, meaning the aliases cannot already exist in your Software Trust Manager account.
Create test keypair and certificate
To generate a RSA test keypair with certificate using OCI pipeline:
- type: Command timeoutInSeconds: 600 name: "Generate Test Keypair" command: | smctl keypair generate rsa <Keypair Name> --cert-alias=<Certificate Name> --cert-profile-id=<Certificate Profile ID> --generate-cert=true --key-type=TEST
Create production keypair with certificate
To generate an RSA production keypair with a given certificate using the OCI pipeline:
- type: Command timeoutInSeconds: 600 name: "Generate Production Keypair" command: | smctl keypair generate rsa <Keypair Name> --cert-alias=<Certificate Name> --cert-profile-id=<Certificate Profile ID> --generate-cert=true --key-type=PRODUCTION
Use one of the following script integrations to sign:
To sign and verify signature with Jarsigner provide:
Path to the .jar file to be signed
Output path for the signed.jar file
Keypair alias or certificate alias that should be used to sign
- type: Command timeoutInSeconds: 600 name: "Signing using jarsigner" command: | jarsigner -keystore NONE -storepass NONE -storetype PKCS11 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -providerClass -providerArg pkcs11properties.cfg -signedjar <Path to output signed .jar> <Path to the .jar to be Signed> <Keypair alias or Certificate alias > -tsa jarsigner -verify <Path to Signed .jar>
To sign with Jsign provide:
.jar file to be signed
Keypair alias that should be used to sign
- type: Command timeoutInSeconds: 600 name: "Signing using Jsign" command: | jsign --keystore pkcs11properties.cfg --storepass NONE --storetype PKCS11 --alias <keypair alias> <unsigned file>
Sample pipeline
version: 0.1 component: build timeoutInSeconds: 6000 runAs: root shell: bash steps: - type: Command timeoutInSeconds: 600 name: "Certificate-Setup" command: | touch Certificate_pkcs12.p12 echo "$SM_CLIENT_CERT_FILE_BASE" > CERT_FILE.p12.b64 base64 -d CERT_FILE.p12.b64 > Certificate_pkcs12.p12 - type: Command timeoutInSeconds: 600 name: "Setup the client tools" command: | cd ${OCI_PRIMARY_SOURCE_DIR} curl -X GET -H "x-api-key:$SM_API_KEY" -o unzip cp pkcs11properties.cfg smtools-linux-x64/pkcs11properties.cfg cd smtools-linux-x64 chmod +x pkcs11properties.cfg chmod +x smctl chmod +x - type: Command timeoutInSeconds: 600 name: "Signing using jarsigner" command: | cd ${OCI_PRIMARY_SOURCE_DIR}/smtools-linux-x64/ jarsigner -keystore NONE -storepass NONE -storetype PKCS11 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -providerClass -providerArg pkcs11properties.cfg -signedjar ../SIGNED.jar ../UNSIGNED.jar sign_clicktosign -tsa jarsigner -verify ../SIGNED.jar -certs -verbose - type: Command timeoutInSeconds: 600 name: "Signing using Jsign" command: | curl -fSslL -o jsign_3.1_all.deb ar x jsign_3.1_all.deb tar -xf data.tar.gz cd usr/share/jsign/ chmod +x chmod +x jsign-3.1.jar mkdir /usr/share/jsign cp /usr/share/jsign/ cp jsign-3.1.jar /usr/share/jsign/ mv /usr/bin/jsign cd ${OCI_PRIMARY_SOURCE_DIR}/smtools-linux-x64/ jsign --keystore pkcs11properties.cfg --storepass NONE --storetype PKCS11 --alias sign_clicktosign ../UNSIGNED1.msi env: vaultVariables: SM_HOST: ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1.iad.amaaaaaakc372dqaxe63v35kwhhcimfcoude5d4sbd2eaozuve555jhk4fwa SM_API_KEY: ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1.iad.amaaaaaakc372dqam7iepkmla7rrbg4o3uw6oj4ps5rn5yhrxjsnpiotq24a SM_CLIENT_CERT_PASSWORD: ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1.iad.amaaaaaakc372dqaudtlk2feyn55aqni2lli2qvygorke7tjj2z5oax32thq SM_CLIENT_CERT_FILE_BASE: ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1.iad.amaaaaaakc372dqan3tzwy46r4w2bulu7enizirgiw2mhp43jgxqrtlejqca variables: SM_CLIENT_CERT_FILE: /workspace/STM_Repo/Certificate_pkcs12.p12