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Sign binary commands

This section covers commands that you use in SMCTL to manage signatures. These commands are: sign, verify signature, and remove signature. Use flags to specify command parameters.


  • Executables must be present in the path variable of the operating system for all tools used for signing.

  • PKCS11 config file is mandatory for jarsigner, apksigner, and jSign.

  • Provide either keypair alias or certificate fingerprint for signing.


The default tool used for signing will be based on the operating system. For example:

  • Signature algorithm can be configured by using the <--sigalg string> flag (applied based on available options provided by the tool used for signing).

  • Digest algorithm can be configured by using the <--digalg string> flag (applied based on available options provided by the tool used for signing).

  • When a specific kind of file needs to be signed, use the <--tool string> flag (eg : --tool apksigner will only sign *.apk file).

  • When a specific kind of file needs to be signed, use the <--tool string> flag (eg : --tool apksigner will only sign *.apk file).

  • The minimum SDK version supported for APK signer is 18.


Sign commands begin with:

smctl signature <keypair alias>


smctl sign <keypair alias >


The sign command supports these flags:

1. Flags for managing signatures





Capture all signature metadata. Default is to capture all metadata.

--certificate string

Provide the path of the certificate to be used for signing. 




Capture the checksum in the signature metadata after signing the file. Leave blank to capture by default.


Capture the checksum in the signature metadata before signing the file. Leave blank to capture by default.

--config-file string

Provide the path to the PKCS11 config file. 




Sign all internal frameworks and plugins (This flag only applies to Apple codesign) (default true)


This flag only applies to Apple codesign commands.


--digalg string

Specify the digest algorithm to use for signing (default based on the tool used for signing).




Capture the digest algorithm in the signature metadata. Leave blank to capture by default.

--digicert-ctk-app-path string

Provide the path to DigiCert SSM Signing


This flag only applies to Apple codesign and productsign commands.

--digicert-ctk-cli-path string

Provide the path to DigiCert SSM Signing's CLI.


This flag only applies to Apple codesign and productsign commands.


Verify if the file can be signed without actually signing it (This flag only applies to Apple codesign)


Specify the entitlements file path.


This flag only applies to Apple codesign commands.


Returns a non-zero status if any files fail to be signed during bulk signing.


Stops bulk signing immediately upon encountering the first file that cannot be signed.


Capture the file location in the signature metadata. Leave blank to capture by default.


Capture the file name in the signature metadata. Leave blank to capture by default.


--fingerprint string

Provide the fingerprint of the certificate to be used for signing. 




For Apple codesign and productsign, after the key is added to the token.


Replace existing signatures (default value 'true').


This flag only applies to Apple codesign commands.

--identity string

Specify the apple developer or installer certificate that you will use to sign with. This information can be found using security export-smartcard.


This flag only applies to Apple codesign commands, after the key is added to the token.


--input string

Provide the path to the file or folder to be signed. If you specify a folder, all files inside the folder will be signed. 



--keychain-path string

Provide the path to Keychain (This flag only applies to Apple productsign)


--keypair-alias string

Keypair alias to be used for signing. 




Signed package file (should be different than input file)


This flag is compulsory for Apple productsign.

--openssl-pkcs11-engine string

Provide the path to the OpenSSL PKCS11 engine.


This flag only applies to osslsigncode.

--pkcs11-module string

Provide the absolute path to the DigiCert​​®​​ Software Trust Manager PKCS11 library.


Preserve the metadata.


This flag only applies to Apple codesign commands.


--sigalg string

Signature algorithm to use (default based on the tool used for signing). 




Capture the signing tool in the signature metadata. Leave blank to capture by default.


Use this flag to enable or disable timestamping for your signature. The syntax is --timestamp=false to disable timestamping. By default, the timestamp is enabled (TRUE).


Capture the timestamp in the signature metadata. Leave blank to capture by default.


--tool string

Specify the tool to use for signing (leave it blank to sign with the default signing tool based on the file extension).




Capture the timestamp (TSA) URL in the signature metadata. Leave blank to capture by default.



Verbose logging for signing.



Help for signing.


The sign command supports these subcommands:

smctl signature <subcommand>


smctl sign <subcommand>

2. Subcommands for managing signatures




Remove signature


Verify signed binary.


Sign hashes.


Verify hashes.


Sign and verify JSON SBOMs using in-toto functionality.

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