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Create a service user

Designed for automated workflows, service users also have access to a specific account but cannot sign into the platform. They authenticate with client tools and APIs using their API key and client certificate, typically on build servers or other automated systems.


Follow these steps to create a service user:

  1. Sign in to DigiCert ONE.

  2. Navigate to Manager menu icon (top-right).

  3. Select DigiCert® Account Manager.

  4. In the left navigation bar, select Access > Service user.

  5. Select Create service user.

  6. Enter the following service user information:



    Friendly name

    A unique, easily identifiable name for the user.


    Further illustrate the purpose of this user. This is an optional field.

    End date

    Determines when the service user credential expires. This is an optional field.


    Email address of the person managing this credential.

    Accounts that can use this service user

    Select accounts that connect to this user.

    DigiCert ONE Manager access

    Select Software Trust Manager.


    Additionally select DigiCert® Account Manager if the user is required to manage other users, accounts, or organizations for the DigiCert ONE account.

  7. Select Next.

  8. Assign the necessary Software Trust Manager role for the service user:

  9. Assign an Account Manager role for the service user, if necessary:

  10. Select Create service user.


    Select the copy icon to copy the token ID.