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Usa il metodo DCV e-mail

Con il metodo di convalida dominio E-mail, abbiamo inviato due serie di e-mail DCV: Basata su WHOIS e Costruita. Consulta Metodi di convalida del controllo del dominio (DCV).


End of life for the WHOIS-based email

The industry is moving away from using WHOIS to identify domain contacts. DigiCert recommends that those using the WHOIS-based Email DCV method update their domain validation processes to use one of the other supported DCV methods as soon as possible.

Prima di iniziare

Quando ordini il tuo certificato DV, se hai scelto E-mail come metodo DCV, DigiCert ha già inviato le e-mail di verifica.

To demonstrate control over the domain, an email recipient follows the instructions in a confirmation email sent for the domain:

  • DigiCert sends this email from If using allowlist, make sure to include

  • The confirmation process consists of visiting the link in the email and following the instructions on the page.

Prima di reinviare le e-mail DCV, accertati di controllare la tua casella di posta in arrivo e la cartella della posta indesiderata/spam per le e-mail con l’oggetto [Azione richiesta] Approva richiesta di certificato per [iltuodominio] {N. ordine}.

Use Email verification to demonstrate control over a domain on an OV/EV TLS certificate

  1. In your CertCentral account, go to the order's Order # details page.

    1. In the left menu, go to Certificate > Orders.

    2. On the Orders page, in the Order # column, select the DV TLS certificate's order number link

  2. On the Order # details page, in the Certificate status section, review the certificate's status to see if issuance is waiting for domain validation to be completed.

    After validation is completed, the Certificate status section no longer appears on the Order # details page.

  3. Under What do you need to do, select the Prove control over domains link.

  4. In the Prove control over domain window, in the Domain control validation (DCV) method menu, select Verification email and then select Save.

  5. In the Select the email language menu, select the language for the confirmation email sent for the domain.

  6. In the Select the authorization email recipient menu, select the email address you want the confirmation email sent to.

  7. Select Send email.

Passaggi successivi

Prima di reinviare le e-mail DCV, accertati di controllare la tua casella di posta in arrivo e la cartella della posta indesiderata/spam per le e-mail con l’oggetto [Azione richiesta] Approva richiesta di certificato per [iltuodominio] {N. ordine}.