Update keypair commands begin with:
smctl keypair update
smctl kp update
The update keypair command supports these flags:
Shortcut | Flag | Description |
--alias string | Alias for the keypair. Format: --alias="<value>" | |
--default-cert-id string | Default certificate ID. Format: --default-cert-id="<value>" | |
--account-id string | Account ID for the user. Format: --account-id="<value>" | |
-h | --help | Help for update. |
Describe: Change the keypair alias for the specified keypair ID.
smctl keypair update <keypair id> --alias=<new keypair alias>
Command sample:
smctl keypair update a609c6e6-fc89-48ff-a071-1d7001580452 -–alias=new-keypair-alias