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Install DigiCert® On-premises Private CA

Before installing DigiCert® On-premises Private CA, make sure your environments are configured properly and you have received a unique license key from your DigiCert account manager or other DigiCert representative.

  1. Add a helm repository for your On-premises Private CA.

    helm repo add your-repo-name
    helm repo update


    Replace your-repo-name with your own descriptive name for your helm repository.

  2. Generate a random string for the crypto master secret. For example, on Linux command line:

    head -c 32 /dev/urandom | base64
  3. Create a standalone-values.yaml file in the root directory with this content:

      host: mariadb-mariadb.digicert-ca
      username: root 
    #Your license key provided by DigiCert
    #Your host name
  4. Create the database for your On-premises Private CA.

    mysql CREATE DATABASE digicert_ca;
  5. Deploy your On-premises Private CA.


    Replace all instances of your-repo-name with the name you assigned in step 1.

    1. Create the Kubernetes namespace:

      kubectl create namespace your-repo-name
    2. Add the database password secret and the crypto master secret generated in step 2:

      kubectl create secret -n your-repo-name generic digicert-ca-secrets \
            --from-literal=databasePassword=<your databasePassword> \
            --from-literal=cryptoMasterSecret=<your cryptoMasterSecret>
    3. Install the On-premises Private CA application:

      helm upgrade --install ca your-repo-name/certificate-authority-standalone --values standalone-values.yaml --namespace your-repo-name

Installation complete! DigiCert® On-premises Private CA is ready at https://<your domain>/.

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