Prima che DigiCert possa emettere un certificato SSL/TLS, devi dimostrare il controllo sui domini e su eventuali SAN (nomi alternativi del soggetto) nell'ordine certificato. Questo processo viene chiamato convalida del controllo del dominio (DCV).
DigiCert attualmente supporta questi metodi DCV:
E-mail a contatto DNS TXT
Email to DNS TXT contact
Constructed Email
WHOIS-based Email
End of life for the WHOIS-based Email
On May 8, 2025, DigiCert will end support for the WHOIS-based DCV email method. DigiCert systems will stop querying WHOIS entirely to find email addresses for domain validations.
What should I do?
DigiCert recommends updating your domain validation processes to use one of the other supported DCV methods as soon as possible. If you still want to use the Email DCV method, use DNS TXT record email contact or Constructed email. To learn more, see our knowledge base article, End of life for WHOIS-based DCV methods.
Dimostrazione pratica HTTP (indicata anche con File o FileAuth).
Dimostrazione pratica HTTP (indicata anche con File o FileAuth).
Quando si ordina un certificato, selezioni un metodo DCV per dimostrare il controllo sul dominio sull’ordine. Sulla pagina Dettagli ordine del certificato, usa il metodo DCV selezionato durante il processo di ordine per completare la convalida dominio. Puoi sempre cambiare i metodi di convalida, se necessario.
To validate your domains, you can complete the DCV as part of the certificate request process, or you can prevalidate your domains. Per industry standards, a domain's validation is valid for 397 days (approximately 13 months).
Demonstrating control over domains on DV/OV/EV TSL/SSL certificate orders
When ordering a certificate, you select a DCV method to demonstrate control over the domains on the order. On the certificate's Order details page, use the DCV method selected during the order process to complete the domain validation. You can always switch validation methods if needed.
Domain prevalidation
CertCentral features a domain prevalidation process that allows you to validate your domains before you begin ordering certificates for them. See Domain prevalidation: Domain control validation (DCV) methods.
Completing the domain validation ahead of time allows for quicker certificate issuance. For immediate certificate issuance, Domain prevalidation is required. See OV/EV certificate immediate issuance.
Con questo metodo di convalida, DigiCert invia tre serie di e-mail DCV: basata su WHOIS, costruita e basata su DNS TXT.
Per dimostrare il controllo sul dominio, il destinatario e-mail segue le istruzioni indicate in un’e-mail di conferma inviata per il dominio. Il processo di conferma consiste nel visitare il link fornito e seguire le istruzioni riportate sulla pagina.
Note: DigiCert sends this email from If using allowlist, make sure to include
See Use the Email validation method to verify domain control.
For the email to DNS TXT contact DCV method, DigiCert sends an authorization email to the email addresses found in the DNS TXT record on the _validation-contactemail
subdomain of the domain you are validating. When validating a domain, make sure to select the Verification email DCV method.
To configure your CertCentral Email DCV method to send the confirmation email to DNS TXT contacts, do the following:
Place the DNS TXT record on the
subdomain of the domain you want to validate. The RDATA value of this text record must be a valid email address.Nome
Impostazione predefinita
DigiCert recommends adding a distribution list rather than a personal email address. A distribution list allows you to create a "non-expiring" email address to which you can add or remove people when necessary.
Update your CertCentral account settings to send the verification DCV emails to Org/Tech/Admin contacts from DNS TXT.
In CertCentral, in the left menu, go to Settings > Preferences.
On the Preferences page, select Advanced Settings.
In the Domain Control Validation (DCV) section under Send verification DCV emails to, select Org/Tech/Admin contacts from DNS TXT.
Go to the bottom of the page and select Save Settings.
See our instructions for Using the Email validation method to verify domain control on an OV/EV TLS certificate.
Per il metodo E-mail costruita, DigiCert invia l’e-mail di autorizzazione a cinque indirizzi e-mail costruiti per il dominio: admin, amministratore, webmaster, hostmaster e postmaster @[domain_name].
If we can't find an MX record for [domain_name], you must use one of the other supported DCV methods to demonstrate control over the domain. See MX records (mail exchanger records) below.
When registering a domain, you must provide contact information, such as administrative and technical contacts. Instead of using a personal email address, you can use one of the constructed email addresses for your domain, such as webmaster@yourdomain. Using a constructed email addresses allows you to create a "non-expiring" email address that you can add or remove people from when necessary.
Prima di poter inviare correttamente un’e-mail di autenticazione (e-mail DCV) al titolare del dominio (o al controller di dominio), dobbiamo verificare che un record MX (un record risorsa nel sistema dei nomi dominio [DNS) esista nei record DNS del nome dominio del destinatario. La presenza di record MX validi ci consente di inviare l’e-mail di autenticazione.
Ad esempio, vuoi ricevere la tua e-mail DCV in uno degli indirizzi e-mail costruiti per, Per inviare correttamente un’e-mail DCV ad, dobbiamo prima trovare un record MX per l’indirizzo che identifica l’impostazione server (ad es. per ricevere le e-mail destinate ad
Ti aspetti di ricevere un’e-mail in un indirizzo pubblicato nel record WHOIS del tuo dominio?
Verifica che il tuo registrar/WHOIS provider non abbia mascherato o rimosso tali informazioni. Se le informazioni sono mascherate, scopri se ti forniscono un modo (ad es. indirizzo e-mail reso anonimo, modulo web) per consentire alle Autorità di certificazione (CA) di accedere ai dati WHOIS del tuo dominio.
If you still want to use the Email DCV method, use the Email to DNS TXT contact or the Constructed email method.
To learn more about the end of life for WHOIS-based email, see our knowledge base article, End of Life for WHOIS based email DCV method.
For the WHOIS-based method, DigiCert sends an authorization email to the registered owners of the public domain as shown in the domain's WHOIS record.
Per il metodo basato su WHOIS, DigiCert invia un’e-mail di autorizzazione ai titolari registrati del dominio pubblico come mostrato nel record WHOIS del dominio.
Contatti e-mail per record DNS TXT
Aggiungi un token generato da DigiCert (fornito per il dominio nel tuo account CertCentral) al DNS del dominio come record TXT. Quando DigiCert effettua una ricerca per i record DNS TXT associati al dominio, possiamo trovare un record che include il token di verifica DigiCert.
Consulta Usa il metodo di convalida DNS TXT per verificare il controllo sul dominio
Aggiungi un token generato da DigiCert (fornito per il dominio nel tuo account CertCentral) al DNS del dominio come record CNAME. Dopodiché, aggiungi come target CNAME. Quando DigiCert effettua una ricerca per i record DNS CNAME associati al dominio, possiamo trovare un record che include il token di verifica DigiCert.
Consulta Usa il metodo di convalida DNS CNAME per verificare il controllo sul dominio.
You can only use the HTTP Practical Demonstration DCV methods to demonstrate control over fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) exactly as named in the certificate request. To learn more, visit Domain Validation Policy Changes.
Validating IPv4 and IPv6 address
Per industry regulations, you can only use the HTTP Practical Demonstration DCV method to demonstrate control over IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Use one of the other supported DCV methods to:
Validate wildcard domains, such as *
Include subdomains in the validation when validating a higher-level domain. For example, if you want to cover,, and when validating the higher-level domain
Validate entire domains and subdomains.
Host a file containing a DigiCert generated random value (provided for the domain in your CertCentral account) at a predetermined location on your website: http://{domain-name}/.well-known/pki-validation/fileauth.txt
After you've created the file and placed it on your site, DigiCert visits the specified URL to confirm the presence of our random value.
See Use the HTTP Practical Demonstration DCV method to verify domain control.
Host a file with a random filename that contains a DigiCert-generated random value (provided for the domain in your CertCentral account) at a predetermined location on your website: http://{domain-name}/.well-known/pki-validation/{unique-filename}.txt
After you've created the file and placed it on your site, DigiCert visits the specified URL to confirm the presence of our random value.
See Use the HTTP Practical Demonstration with unique filename DCV method to verify domain control.
DV TLS certificates do not support the HTTP Practical Demonstration with unique filename DCV method.