DigiCert Click-to-sign is a DigiCert® KeyLocker client tool that provides Windows 10 or Windows 11 customers with a simple UI-based signing workflow that does not require use of the DigiCert® KeyLocker command line interface. After you specify your signing preferences in the DigiCert Click-to-sign installation wizard, you simply need to right-click on a file or folder to sign.
DigiCert Click-to-sign relies on Signing Manager Controller (SMCTL) and PKCS#11 library to sign.
These client tools must be stored in the C:\Program Files\DigiCert\DigiCert KeyLocker Tools\
folder to be used by DigiCert Click-to-sign.
Windows 10 or Windows 11 operating system
.NET Framework (version 4.7 or higher)
DigiCert ONE client authentication certificate
File or folder to be signed
DigiCert Click-to-sign supports the use of any signing tool supported by Signing Manager Controller (SMCTL) and PKCS#11 library, these include:
Signing tool | File type |
.ear | |
.jar | |
.sar | |
.war | |
.application | |
.manifest | |
.vsto | |
.nupkg | |
Signtool (64-bit) | .appx |
.appxbundle | |
.arx | |
.cab | |
.cat | |
.cbx | |
.cpl | |
.crx (only MS-DOS EXE package format) | |
.dbx | |
.deploy | |
.dll | |
.drx | |
.efi | |
.exe | |
.js | |
.msi | |
.msix | |
.msixbundle | |
.msm | |
.msp | |
.ocx | |
.psi | |
.psm1 | |
.stl | |
.sys | |
.vbs | |
.vsix | |
.vxd | |
.wsf | |
.xap | |
.xsn | |
SignTool (32-bit) | .doc |
.docm | |
.dot | |
.dotm | |
.mpp | |
.mpt | |
.pot | |
.potm | |
.ppa | |
.ppam | |
.pps | |
.ppsm | |
.ppt | |
.pptm | |
.pub | |
.vdw* | |
.vdx* | |
.vsd* | |
.vsdm | |
.vss* | |
.vssm | |
.vst* | |
.vstm | |
.vsx* | |
.vtx* | |
.wiz* | |
.xla | |
.xlam | |
.xls | |
.xlsb | |
.xlsm | |
.xlt | |
.xltm |
Sign in to DigiCert ONE.
Navigate to the manager menu icon, select DigiCert® KeyLocker.
Select Resources > Client tool repository.
Download DigiCert Click-to-sign Installer.
Run the DigiCert_Click_to_sign.msi application.
In the DigiCert Click-to-sign installation wizard, complete the following:
Operating systems use the environment variable called PATH to determine where executable files are stored on your system. Use the PATH environment variable to store the file path to your DigiCert ONE Signing Manager Tools to ensure that the DigiCert® Click-to-sign can reference these tools.
You can set the PATH environment variable to DigiCert ONE Signing Manager Tools using command line or environment variables.
To set the path to your signing tools via command line:
set PATH=%path%;<Path to DigiCert ONE Signing Manager Tools folder>
Command sample:
set PATH=%path%;C:\Program Files\DigiCert\DigiCert One Signing Manager Tools
To set the path to your signing tools for your system or account:
Search for environment variables in the Windows start menu.
Select Edit environment variables for your account or Edit system environment variables.
Double click on the Path variable.
Click New.
Select Browse.
Provide the path to DigiCert ONE Signing Manager Tools:
C:\Program Files\DigiCert\DigiCert One Signing Manager Tools
Click OK to save the path.
Click on OK to close the dialog.