Usa queste istruzioni per annullare un ordine di certificato in sospeso prima che DigiCert lo emetta
You can only cancel pending certificate orders. Once DigiCert issues the certificate, you must revoke the certificate and the order if it is no longer needed.
Canceling a pending order removes it from our system. However, you can place the order again if you need the certificate.
In CertCentral, in the left menu, go to Certificates > Orders.
On the Orders page, in the Order # column, select the order number of the pending order you want to cancel.
On the Order # details page, on the Details tab, in the Certificate actions menu, select Cancel order.
In the Cancel order popup window, select Cancel order.
Note: Canceling a pending order cannot be undone.
You have canceled your pending order, and DigiCert has removed it from our system.