Approva l’account di un nuovo utente
Prima di iniziare
Dopo che un utente accetta il tuo invito e crea le nuove credenziali di accesso account, riceverai un’e-mail di invito accettato.
Unapproved user invitations expire 60 days from when the invitation was created.
Approva l’account di un nuovo utente
Nel tuo account CertCentral, nel menu della barra laterale, fai clic su Account > Inviti utenti.
Nella riga dell’utente, vicino a Data creazione, seleziona Dettagli.
Nella pagina Invito utente a, revisiona le informazioni fornite dall’utente. Seleziona Approva.
Nella finestra Approva invito utente, configura il ruolo dell’utente e l’accesso account:
Assign the user to divisions
This option only appears if you've created divisions in your CertCentral account. See Unrestricted versus restricted.
Check Restrict this user to specific divisions.
In the User is restricted to the following divisions dropdown, select the divisions the user can access.
Assign a user role
Under Role, select a role for the user: Standard User, Manager, Finance Manager, Administrator. See Roles and account access.
Under Standard User, check Limit to placing and managing their own orders to assign the user a Limited User role. A limited user can only view and access their own orders.
Add an approval message
In the Approval Message To Invitee box, enter the message you want to include in the approval email. This message is saved in your CertCentral account records.
Al termine, fai clic su Approva.
Passaggi successivi
Il nuovo utente riceverà un’e-mail che indica che l’account è stato approvato e attivato. L’e-mail include un link che lo porta alla pagina di accesso account.
User invite expiration and deletion process
User invitations with the status Invitation Sent
CertCentral user invites expire 30 days from the time they are first sent.
Resending the invitation does not reset the invitation created date. After 30 days, you must send a new invitation.
User invitations with the status Needs Administrator Approval
Unapproved user invitations expire 60 days from when the invitation was created.
User invitation 365-day lifetime
After 365 days, user invitations are removed from your CertCentral account: Invitation Sent, Needs Administrator Approval, Approved, Rejected, Canceled, and Expired