If the authorized representative, according to the trade register, is not solely authorized to represent the company, or you would like to register someone else as authorized representative, we would like to receive a Power of Attorney.
You may use our standard template for this: Power of Attorney Letter, but we can imagine you may prefer drafting your own Power of Attorney.
If you do, the POA needs to comply with the below, signed by all individuals with pen (no digital pen) and needs to be printed on paper with Company letterhead.
The POA must contain the following information:
Date of Birth of Authorization giver(s) (needs to be registered in the trade register to represent the company)
Date of Birth Authorization receiver
Validity of the POA p/e “this document is valid for X months/years from date of signing” or “indefinitely until revoked”
Trade register number and legal name of the organization
Description of authorization p/e: “to request qualified certificates with DigiCert or its affiliates”
If the authorized representatives are authorized by 2 (dual signing), make sure they both sign the Power of Attorney as POA givers.
We would also like to receive a passport/identity card copy from the authorized representative(s). Please shield MRZ (2 or 3 rows of numbers and letters at the bottom of the page) and pictures.
We do not need a copy of identity document from the POA-receiver, for they will undergo face to face identification during the order process.