This article includes information about configuring the log properties file. You can skip this section if there is no need to change the logging configuration.
The log properties file is specified using Autoenrollment Configuration utility Log Properties setting. The following shows the contents of the default properties file:
# A line starting with # is a comment and ignored.
# Define with log-level (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, or ERROR) and appender name
log4cpp.rootCategory=INFO, DAILY
# Configured appender type
# File name and path
# AE Server requires write permission, and directory must exist
log4cpp.appender.DAILY.fileName=C:\Program Files\DigiCert\AEServer\logs\AEServer.log
# Max days to keep the old log files
# Output pattern (see for format details)
log4cpp.appender.DAILY.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} %-5p [%t] %m%n
Property key | Description |
log4cpp.rootCategory | Specifies log level and name to use for the configuration. The value is in following format: <log_level>, <logger_name>
log4cpp.appender.<logger_name> | Specifies the type of log appender. Currently DailyRollingFileAppender and SyslogAppender are supported. Using DailyRollingFileAppender appender will allow the log file to rotate daily at 00:00 (local time) every day, creating a log file with name <log_filename>.yyyy-MM-dd. AnmerkungLog file rotation occurs only when there is a new log entry after 00:00 (local time). Using SyslogAppender appender will allow the Autoenrollment server to dump log messages to the configured syslog server. See the section below Use syslog for logging for more details about this appender. |
log4cpp.appender.<logger_name>.fileName | Specifies the log file name with path. Default location will be <installation directory>\AEServer.log. This will change depending on where Autoenrollment Server was installed. Anmerkung
log4cpp.appender.<logger_name>.maxDaysKeep | Specifies the maximum days to keep the log files. The log entries exceeding the maximum days will be deleted from the file system. |
log4cpp.appender.<logger_name>.layout | Specifies the log layout class. Currently only PatternLayout is supported. |
log4cpp.appender.<logger_name>.ConversionPattern | Specifies the output format of the logs. See for details about possible format characters for the custom log messages. The default log format is set as Example below:
Any modifications in the file contents will only become effective after restarting the Autoenrollment service.
Lines starting with # are ignored.
Autoenrollment Server can use syslog for logging output by using the Autoenrollment Configuration Log Properties settings. Change the contents of the file or change the target property file path to enable logging to syslog.
The sample syslog properties file can be found as in the installation directory of the Autoenrollment Server. The following shows the contents of the sample:
# A line starting with # is a comment and ignored.
# Define with log-level (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, or ERROR) and appender name
log4cpp.rootCategory=INFO, SYSLOG
# Configured appender type
# Remote syslog server IP address
# Remote syslog server port number
# Syslog facility number
# Output pattern (see for format details)
log4cpp.appender.SYSLOG.layout.ConversionPattern=[AESRV]: %d{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} %-5p [%t] %m%n
Property key | Description |
log4cpp.rootCategory | Sets logger_name as SYSLOG by default. |
log4cpp.appender.<logger_name> | The value must be SyslogAppender to use syslog. |
log4cpp.appender.<logger_name>.syslogHost | Specifies the remote syslog server IP address. AnmerkungThe remote syslog server must be accessible from the machine where Autoenrollment Server is installed. |
log4cpp.appender.<logger_name>.portNumber | Specifies the remote syslog server port number. |
log4cpp.appender.<logger_name>.facility | Specifies the remote syslog server facility number. Default value is 1 (user-level messages). |
log4cpp.appender.<logger_name>.layout | Specifies the log layout class. Currently only PatternLayout is supported. |
log4cpp.appender.<logger_name>.ConversionPattern | The default log format is set as “[AESRV]: <Date{yyyy-mm-dd}> <Time{hh:mm:ss}> <LogLevel> [<ThreadID>] <LogMessage>”. Every log message is intentionally prepended with [AESRV]: string, to differentiate Autoenrollment server logs from other logs. The following shows an example: [AESRV]: 2021-09-22 04:15:28 INFO [6176] Service started, waiting for requests. |