Generate certificate commands begin with:
smctl keypair generate-cert <keypair ID or keypair alias> <flag>
or the abbreviate command:
smctl kp gen-cert <keypair ID or keypair alias> <flag>
Adding a flag to this command is optional.
Generate certificate commands support these flags:
Shortcut | Flag | Description |
--cert-alias string | Alias for the certificate. Format: --cert-alias="<value>" | |
--cert-profile-id string | Certificate profile ID. Format: --cert-profile-id="<value>" | |
--custom-fields stringToString | Custom fields in case of CertCentral profile. Default is []. Format: --custom-fields="<value>" | |
--set-as-default-cert | Set as default certificate for keypair. If this is not set, the generated certificate becomes the default certificate. | |
--account-id string | Account ID for the user. Format: --account-id="<value>" | |
--help | Help for generate-cert with existing keypair. |