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Issuing Domain Controller Certificates

After you have assigned access permissions to the Domain Controller template for the Domain Controllers, Domain Controller certificate will be issued automatically to the Domain Controllers. The timing depends on how the operating system handles them. To make sure that the certificate has been issued properly to the Domain Controllers, follow the instructions below.

To check for Domain Controller certificate:

  1. Sign in to the Domain Controller machine with Domain Admin equivalent credentials.

  2. Open Microsoft Management Console by typing [Windows] + [R], type mmc, and click OK.

  3. Add the Certificates Snap-in for the local computer.

    • Open File menu, select Add/Remove Snap-in…

    • Select Certificates and click Add

    • Select Computer account and click Next

    • Select Local computer and click Finish

    • Click OK to close the Add or Remove Snap-ins window

    • On the left pane, select Certificates (Local Computer)PersonalCertificates and check if the Domain Controller certificate exists here.