Signature logs provides you with a list of signature events, as well as the following details:
Fields | Description |
Date | Identifies the date the signature took place. |
Status | Identifies whether the signature was successful or failed. |
Signer | Identifies which performed the signature. |
Keypair alias | Identifies the keypair used to sign. |
Keypair ID | Identifies the keypair ID used to sign. |
Keypair type | Identifies whether the keypair used to sign is static or dynamic. |
Algorithm | Identifies the cryptographic algorithm of the keypair used to sign. |
Signature type | Identifies whether a production or test keypair was used to sign. |
Hash | Identifies the hash value that uniquely represents the raw data (the code being signed) using a specific hash algorithm. This hash value helps ensure the integrity and authenticity of the signed code. |
Signature | Identifies the digital signature generated from the hash or digest of the code being signed using a private key. This signature serves as proof of the code's authenticity and integrity, as it can be verified using the corresponding public key. |
Client IP | Identifies the IP address of the client detected when the signature occurred. |
Signature logs displays the following signature metadata types:
Field | Description |
Checksum-after-signing | The cryptographic checksum generated for the file after signing to ensure its integrity and authenticity. |
Checksum-before-signing | The cryptographic checksum of the file before it undergoes the signing process. |
Digest-algorithm | The algorithm used for generating the cryptographic digest or checksum, such as SHA-256. |
File-location | The directory path or URL where file to be signed is located. |
File-name | The name of the file to be signed. |
Signing-tool | The software or tool used for signing the file, such as OpenSSL or Microsoft SignTool. |
Timestamp | Represents if the timestamp was done. |
TSA-url | The URL of the Time Stamp Authority (TSA) used for timestamping the signature, ensuring its validity beyond the signing certificate's expiration. |
The following information is shown for each of each of the signature metadata mentioned above:
Field | Description |
Metadata key | Provides the metadata name, such as:
Metadata value | Provides the value of the metadata key. |
Metadata primary | Shows Yes if the metadata is one of the above defined metadata. Shows No if the custom metadata provided. |
Metadata source | Displays the name of the source that provided the metadata. |